Caribou Gear

Ask Your Muzzleloader Questions Here - Thanks to CVA

Recommended front globe sights for CvA Buckhorn with Williams Gun sight peep (want to be CO legal)? Thinking Lee Shaver insert with Lyman target Globe but unsure if it will be too tall/short in terms of aligning front and peep. Current redneck solution is I dremeled down the plastic front sight but it’s a pretty thick post!
I hope I’m sending this to the right place, I just bought an accura v2 mr (I love it) I was hoping to shoot black horn powder but none to be found! I bought 777 powder, my question is do I need a different breechplug to shoot powder vs pellets? Thanks
Recommended front globe sights for CvA Buckhorn with Williams Gun sight peep (want to be CO legal)? Thinking Lee Shaver insert with Lyman target Globe but unsure if it will be too tall/short in terms of aligning front and peep. Current redneck solution is I dremeled down the plastic front sight but it’s a pretty thick post!
What I found with my cva accura V2 is the key to getting them aligned close enough to sight in is to get the Williams “ace in the hole” peep with picatinny base along with a 0.1” height front ramp for the globe.

I have a cva accura LR , I love the gun it shoots great and hope to kill a elk in Colorado this year if I draw a tag for unit 61
What I found with my cva accura V2 is the key to getting them aligned close enough to sight in is to get the Williams “ace in the hole” peep with picatinny base along with a 0.1” height front ramp for the globe.

Thanks for posting that. I have the ace in the hole hanging on my peg board. Used a scope in Az this year, but unless I beat my 20% odds here, I’ll need to set it up for Colorado.
What I found with my cva accura V2 is the key to getting them aligned close enough to sight in is to get the Williams “ace in the hole” peep with picatinny base along with a 0.1” height front ramp for the globe.

Helpful, thanks
Don't be sad Brent. I gave a Hawken 40 years. I just got too old for it. Bad back and vision. Can't handle the weight and primitive sights anymore. Inline is light and the scope is better for taking a humane shot. I can't give up hunting but I do need to make this change.
Not sure if this is an appropriate place to ask, but I have been coveting some of the muzzleloader seasons and would like to look into what it would take to learn about and gear up to hunt with a muzzleloader. Are there any resources online or otherwise, that this group could recommend for a newbie like me who knows less than nil? I love learning about new things and would love to gear up properly but don't even know where to start. Any help from this awesome group would be most appreciated. Thanks! -Paul
Not sure if this is an appropriate place to ask, but I have been coveting some of the muzzleloader seasons and would like to look into what it would take to learn about and gear up to hunt with a muzzleloader. Are there any resources online or otherwise, that this group could recommend for a newbie like me who knows less than nil? I love learning about new things and would love to gear up properly but don't even know where to start. Any help from this awesome group would be most appreciated. Thanks! -Paul
I’m a book learner primarily. I’d suggest ‘Muzzleloading’ from The Complete Hunter series by Toby Bridges
Not sure if this is an appropriate place to ask, but I have been coveting some of the muzzleloader seasons and would like to look into what it would take to learn about and gear up to hunt with a muzzleloader. Are there any resources online or otherwise, that this group could recommend for a newbie like me who knows less than nil? I love learning about new things and would love to gear up properly but don't even know where to start. Any help from this awesome group would be most appreciated. Thanks! -Paul
You're in the right place. Ask away! There are no dumb questions, so let er rip.
Consider joining a muzzleloader forum. Which one will depend on what type of muzzleloader you want to buy. Traditional or modern?
I would like to go with something more modern. I dont mind spending money on a high quality gun either. Some questions:

-WHat is the gear list you would need for the muzzleloader and shooting?

-IS there special storage and safety considerations for the powders?

-Do you reccomend a scope or not? IF so, any reccomendations? On that note, if someone is kind enough to write a gear list, if you have specific brands/models etc i am all ears.

-Do most ranges allow muzzleloaders or do I need to find somewhere special to practice?

-For the shooting itself, are there vast differences between shooting a regular center fire rifle?

-DO you all think it is "worth it" for the trouble and downsides of muzzleloaders, considering you get some awesome hunting opportunities?
I would like to go with something more modern. I dont mind spending money on a high quality gun either. Some questions:

-WHat is the gear list you would need for the muzzleloader and shooting?

-IS there special storage and safety considerations for the powders?

-Do you reccomend a scope or not? IF so, any reccomendations? On that note, if someone is kind enough to write a gear list, if you have specific brands/models etc i am all ears.

-Do most ranges allow muzzleloaders or do I need to find somewhere special to practice?

-For the shooting itself, are there vast differences between shooting a regular center fire rifle?

-DO you all think it is "worth it" for the trouble and downsides of muzzleloaders, considering you get some awesome hunting opportunities?
I've heard nothing but great things about the CVA lineup of muzzleloaders - ACURA specifically. Someone else on this forum recommended the ACURA V2 LR (long range) - can't go wrong with that. If you look on, you'll find several options for "get started" kits - you'll need some cleaning swabs/mops (2-3 each), bore brushes (2-3), primer holders (to carry your primers in the field), loading/cleaning jags and a range rod, cleaning patches (personally I just cut up old cotton T shirts in approx 2" squares), Cleaning solution and lube (multiple brands out there that will work just fine); I highly recommend Blackhorn 209 powder (my groups shrunk by half after converting to it) and Magnum 209 primers. Bullet choice is debatable - there are as many opinions as there are people you ask. I'm currently favoring the THOR bullets (copper) and the Federal B.O.R. (350gr is lead, 270gr is copper). Both shoot extremely well out of my Traditions Strikerfire LDR. Powder storage is important - BH209 is not a volatile as real black powder, but you still have to store it safely (read label on container- cool, dry place). Scope? Depending on what state you hunt, you may not be allowed to use a scope - Colorado, for example. If you plan on shooting more than 100 yds, get a scope - 3-9x40 is a good place to start; I use a Vortex 4-12x40, but that's mainly because I got a killer deal on it, and it works fine for me. As for shooting ranges, you'll have to check your local range regs. I'm in SE Arizona, so I just go out in the desert (away from dry vegetation!) and shoot. For actual shooting, apply the same basic marksmanship principles you use for center fire rifles. The main difference is that the bullet trajectory is waay different from a center fire round. Finally, yes, it's worth it. You get more opportunities to hunt, and the process of working up the best load for your rifle is actually fun (I think so anyway).
Thanks for the introduction Randy and we look forward to talking about all things muzzleloaders as the SEASON IS ALMOST HERE!

I ordered an Accura V2 50 cal.from on Jan.1st. of this year and it is still on backorder. Has the Accura V2 been discontinued and if not when will they be available again. If you represent CVA you certainly should have some insight on this.
I ordered an Accura V2 50 cal.from on Jan.1st. of this year and it is still on backorder. Has the Accura V2 been discontinued and if not when will they be available again. If you represent CVA you certainly should have some insight on this.
I wouldn't count on that. They seem to be at the mercy of Spain sending them to them. Dates aren't set or don't work out.

That's what I got out of talking to them on the phone.
I hope I’m sending this to the right place, I just bought an accura v2 mr (I love it) I was hoping to shoot black horn powder but none to be found! I bought 777 powder, my question is do I need a different breechplug to shoot powder vs pellets? Thanks
Yes, there are two different breech plugs. The plug for the blackhorn powder has more of a ‘cup’ shape to it to help with ignition.
I have an Optima and I think I had to buy the plug for the blackhorn powder separately.
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I thought BPI was going to answer questions on this forum.Spain doesn’t have phone service? Can you imagine a Ford dealership that doesn’t have cars for four or five months and they have no information why. They tell you Ford won’t tell them. Plants closed because of coronavirus? Plan on opening July 1 st.? Seems like a short conversation with a translator helping BPI could could be the answer.
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