Muzzleloader questions TIA


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2013
North Dakota
Hello everyone! I have been on here for several years now. I have a few general questions to ask about muzzleloaders. Only ever used one once and that was 14 years ago. I finally got drawn for my ND whitetail buck muzzle tag after a 14 year wait. I had received a CVA Wolf 14 years ago for xmas from my dad to use for that hunt. It has open sights on it. I had bought a CVA Kodiak or optima i cannot remember which one right now as i type, a few years back from a gal for $50 have never shot it yet it has a 1x scope on it. I am not fond of the scope on how the crosshairs are.

My questions are i still have powder pellets from 14 years ago, should i worry about using them? just buy new ones? same goes for the primers.

Does anyone recommend certain bullets and powder? This is in a 50 cal

Last question any recommendations on a 1x scope. I saw a vortex one online that seems decent, also been thinking about the red dot or just use the iron sights.

The plan was to use the wolf with open sights, then put an optic on the other go out and shoot and see which i prefer.

Thanks in advance i cannot wait to go out this winter with muzzleloader, it is a statewide tag here in ND and i am going to go every day until it is filled. I also drew my ND Mule deer tag this year after a 6 year wait on top of my archery tag. It is going to be a challenging but very fun fall/winter for me and am fortunate to be able to get all these tags but is bitter sweet knowing i may not draw these for another decade.
Wish I knew the answers though here's to wishing you best of success with your archery and muzzy hunt! Be sure to post up pics!
Wish I knew the answers though here's to wishing you best of success with your archery and muzzy hunt! Be sure to post up pics!
And Rifle Mule deer lol going to be alot of fun! I will definitely have right ups for each hunt!
If the powder and primers were stored in a dry location they should be fine. I would take them out and shoot it to verify though.
Utah used to have a 1x scope requirement. It was better than open sights just because of the crross hair. They do however make the animal look farther away than without the scope. If 1x is not required go to a 3x9 or some other variable scope.

As for loads and bullets that is really personal choice and whatever the muzzy shoots well. a good starting point would be 2 pellets or 100 grains by volume pyrodex or other brand powder and a 250-300gr bullet.
I have a Leupold Freedom 3-9 Muzzleloader scope on my Remington UML and really like the scope. The reticle makes longer shots doable. I had the rifle and scope for a few years now and have taken deer in Utah, Nevada (open sites only no scope) and California with it. I shoot the 250 grain Barns copper TMZ and a sabot. They shoot great and expand well. Here's a photo of 2 rounds that were stopped on the opposite should of deer. I weighted them both and they lost about 20 grains of weight after the shot. They were both just inside of 100 yards.
If the powder and primers were stored in a dry location they should be fine. I would take them out and shoot it to verify though.
Utah used to have a 1x scope requirement. It was better than open sights just because of the crross hair. They do however make the animal look farther away than without the scope. If 1x is not required go to a 3x9 or some other variable scope.

As for loads and bullets that is really personal choice and whatever the muzzy shoots well. a good starting point would be 2 pellets or 100 grains by volume pyrodex or other brand powder and a 250-300gr bullet.
Thanks! that was my plan was to go out and shoot the old powder to see if it shoots or not. We can use 1x scope or open sights it just cant have magnification.
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