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Introduction to Muzzleloading

He is easy to read but IMO he's too busy promoting it to provide the necessary guidance.

I keep reading about "lube" of some sort. But then @Addicting seems to be incredibly anti bore butter which is just lube right? Do you have to lube anything?

Just the threads on the breach. As far as the bore goes I just use a light gun oil after cleaning, then hit it with a paper towel on a jig.

Hasn’t failed in 20+ years.
He is easy to read but IMO he's too busy promoting it to provide the necessary guidance.

I keep reading about "lube" of some sort. But then @Addicting seems to be incredibly anti bore butter which is just lube right? Do you have to lube anything?
I was originally told to coat your barrel in bore butter before storing it. This was misinformation and caused more problems then it ever solved. @Addicting has it right a little on the breech plug is all thats needed and sense the invention of speed breeches isn't even as important. The only other use for lube is if you moved to shooting a round ball or Maxi ball ammo in a more traditional gun but that's about it for in line's.20241226_102246.jpg
I was originally told to coat your barrel in bore butter before storing it. This was misinformation and caused more problems then it ever solved. @Addicting has it right a little on the breech plug is all thats needed and sense the invention of speed breeches isn't even as important. The only other use for lube is if you moved to shooting a round ball or Maxi ball ammo in a more traditional gun but that's about it for in line's.View attachment 354449
Ok so lube is needed for the traditional setup
Ok so lube is needed for the traditional setup
You will need lube for the grooved bullets like above and for the patches of a patched round ball load. In bore butter or wonderlube work just fine for that But you can get everything prelude if you wish. Regular gun oil in your barrel between trips to the range is fine, but wipe it out before you load.
Ok, none of you told me that powder and primers were going to cost more and be harder to find than factory rifle ammo. I've dropped more on them and the accessories to clean them up, than I did on the gun!
Ok, none of you told me that powder and primers were going to cost more and be harder to find than factory rifle ammo. I've dropped more on them and the accessories to clean them up, than I did on the gun!
You should have bought a flint lock. Blackpowder is dead simple to find, as are rocks.
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