As they lay


In case curious...

I couldn't see them after coming back from the 1.5 mi hidden stalking route I took, but it turned out that they were unseen because of a very subtle downward curve of the hill. Almost got busted as all of a sudden I spotted them at about 300+ yds.

Crawled to 250 yards and took advantage of the curve in the hill to sit up with trekking poles crossed for shooting sticks. Could just see the grass and tops of their ears through the scope, so needed to wait until they fed into view. Honestly, after being on elk about 12 of 14 days without any meat in the freezer, I was ready to shoot the first buck that came into my scope. Got lucky here as he's a beauty.

One shot and the small group trotted off another 50 yards, where I see a buck that looked mighty big with them. Didn't see any wounded or any fall so was unsure whether to take a shot at the real big one. Saw them looking back to where they were before, so figured maybe there was a friend of their's down. Sure enough, it dropped right there.

Braised up the stew pieces last week (instead of making ground) with rosemary, carrots and red onions and was super tasty.
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PEAX Trekking Poles

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