Deleted member 28227
I don't want to go off the rails, but it's not clear to me that this is true. I think we think of ourselves, and our emotions and the behaviors that stem from them, as more "special" than they are. There are folks who really dig deep on this stuff who would say human behavior is an algorithm - our brains operating systems. Truck nuts might be the holy grail of AI.
Bringing it back. The FWP Commission recently aborted a terrible proposal for HD 313. In their own words, they were inundated with emails in opposition. In one morning someone could've generated a hundred in favor, from 100 different email addresses, signed by 100 different real Montanans. Could that have changed the outcome? I just think it is a matter of folks adopting what already exists at this point before we have a real problem.
At the end of the day I think physically showing up is going to be more an more important.