Kenetrek Boots

Artificial Intelligence and Public Comment

I’ve been messing around with it for a couple of weeks. It is amazing. I’m just starting to think of implications to our lives. Right now I’m sticking with the obvious jobs that could be made easier (I.e. eliminated or reduced). This is the trend for human advancement forever.

Regarding hunting and fishing comment concerns, I think this just emphasizes the importance of showing up. Written comments are generally taken with a grain of salt. The phone calls would actually get better if done by a robot. Until they create an indiscernible human robot we should be good.

It's funny there are certain parts of my job that are very "google-able" I've never even tried to learn them. Was talking to a colleague one time at another company and they were saying "wait you don't know how to do _______".

Nope, not worth my time, takes me 2 second to google and copy paste/there is an app for that/there is an extension for that/etc.

Not wasting the brain cells, it's 2023 don't reinvent the wheel, some else has already figured out.

Your value isn't writing the script it's figuring out how to leverage various scripts to benefit your company given it's goals.

First part is pretty easy for AI to do the second part is much more difficult.
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The shit you guys worry about makes me laugh.😁

Just a quick glance at many of the threads you have started shows a pile of proposals/forest projects/acquisitions, out for public comment - some of which you encouraged HuntTalkers to partake in...

A thread on what AI means for humanity is sure to go off the rails quick, and surely will get silly. But if we keep the scope of the conversation to AI that exists today and what it could mean for public comment on projects pertaining to public lands and wildlife, I believe that right now it could be affecting things you do clearly care about.
It's funny there are certain parts of my job that are very "google-able" I've never even tried to learn them. Was talking to a colleague one time at another company and they were saying "wait you don't know how to do _______".

Nope, not worth my time, takes me 2 second to google and copy paste/there is an app for that/there is an extension for that/etc.

Not wasting the brain cells, it's 2023 don't reinvent the wheel, some else has already figured out.

You're value isn't writing the script it's figuring out how to leverage various scripts to benefit your company given it's goals.

First part is pretty easy for AI to do the second part is much more difficult.
The biggest risk is the hubris we have to think that most of what we consider "human" qualities can't be systematically replicated by a computer. This one is hitting language and communication. Hell, start a thread on who thinks their job is safe from technology and computers and I'm sure the results will be shocking.
I've heard that Musk's belief is that we have to integrate our minds with AI to remain relevant and competitive once AI becomes fully functional and in control of most of our systems, hence nueralink. This could all be done without even moving your fingers. I sometimes imagine that this is our path to immortality, leave our bodies behind and become quantum digital beings, explore and solve the universe from the comfort of our motherpod, take a vacation anywhere you want, go on any hunt you want.

Public comment-wise, probably going to have to start making people register a verified account that is limited to one comment per account. I've heard nothing about it in this context, doubt there's much in the works for addressing this at the federal level, at least in this context, military is probably all over it.

I just want it to write NEPA, then we can just do field work with drones.
The biggest risk is the hubris we have to think that most of what we consider "human" qualities can't be systematically replicated by a computer. This one is hitting language and communication. Hell, start a thread on who thinks their job is safe from technology and computers and I'm sure the results will be shocking.

I mean once the boomers die about 70% of my job disappears so I'm definitely screwed
Now we know what game animals would feel every time new technology is introduced...high powered scopes, muzzle breaks, infrared, crossbows.
Now we know what game animals would feel every time new technology is introduced...high powered scopes, muzzle breaks, infrared, crossbows.
We should ban all technology starting today. All hunting can only be done with rocks and spears. All public comment can only be made on stone tablets.
the second part is much more difficult.
For now. How long until that hurdle is cleared? A couple years, decade maybe? Just think how much faster it will evolve once it starts working on itself instead of us salty bags of water working on it.
Imagine being me, interviewing for a really good job this past Tuesday, one in which my writing will be "at least 50% of your responsibilities" and where my MA in English is a big part of why I'm able to argue for higher comp than the person I'm replacing. CEO says "We love and trust your writing ability and look forward to investing in it as we bring you onboard." As the meeting ended, he had one more question: "Have you heard of ChatGPT? Is there a way you can work that into your role here to save yourself time in your writing process?"

Yeah, I slaved through six years of school and poured my guts into becoming a writer, just so I can punch prompts in for a blank blank robot to spit back some tone-less soulless sentences we can pass off as me.

"John Henry, John Henry..."
Just a quick glance at many of the threads you have started shows a pile of proposals/forest projects/acquisitions, out for public comment - some of which you encouraged HuntTalkers to partake in...

A thread on what AI means for humanity is sure to go off the rails quick, and surely will get silly. But if we keep the scope of the conversation to AI that exists today and what it could mean for public comment on projects pertaining to public lands and wildlife, I believe that right now it could be affecting things you do clearly care about.
How about putting a spam filter on public comment? How could that possibly go wrong? Cough...twitter...cough.
How about putting a spam filter on public comment? How could that possibly go wrong? Cough...twitter...cough.

Goes to show how tough it is, and also it will just get harder to discern.

We need some sort of verification system - in Montana it could be epass or whatever the current iteration is. When it comes to emails to commissioners, I just think we may have to abandon email as a valid form of public comment.
For now. How long until that hurdle is cleared? A couple years, decade maybe? Just think how much faster it will evolve once it starts working on itself instead of us salty bags of water working on it.
Never maybe? I did I think part of that requires understanding human emotion which isn't just an algorithm.

Case and point, David Ramsey. There is no mathematical reason why his stuff works. It's just not supported by any math or data, but yet it's honestly the best solution for a ton of people and has brought them a lot of financial success. I'm not sure how a machine learns how to deal with the vagaries of humans.

How do you teach marketing for example for EVs to work in the US you need sell folks on EV trucks, now 1. That's nuts cause trucks are just stupid for 99% of drivers and 2. Truck owners are totally illogical.

I'm not sure how you teach AI to put truck nuts, big tires, and an affliction sticker on a rivian.
Never maybe? I did I think part of that requires understanding human emotion which isn't just an algorithm.

I don't want to go off the rails, but it's not clear to me that this is true. I think we think of ourselves, and our emotions and the behaviors that stem from them, as more "special" than they are. There are folks who really dig deep on this stuff who would say human behavior is an algorithm - our brains operating systems. Truck nuts might be the holy grail of AI.

Bringing it back. The FWP Commission recently aborted a terrible proposal for HD 313. In their own words, they were inundated with emails in opposition. In one morning someone could've generated a hundred in favor, from 100 different email addresses, signed by 100 different real Montanans. Could that have changed the outcome? I just think it is a matter of folks adopting what already exists at this point before we have a real problem. If we don't already.

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