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Arizona CC Hits

Let the AZ game Commission know your thoughts on March 19th at their regular meeting:

"A public meeting of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission will be held on March 19, 2021, at the Bullhead City Council Chamber, Conference Room 1255 Marina Blvd., Bullhead City AZ 86442. The public may attend the meeting in person but the number of people allowed in the meeting facility will be limited based on social distancing requirements. BE AWARE THE TOWN OF BULLHEAD CITY REQUIRES FACE COVERINGS IN PUBLIC SETTINGS WHERE SIX FEET PHYSICAL DISTANCE CANNOT BE MAINTAINED. In the alternative, the public may view the meeting at or may listen to the meeting by calling 404-397-1516, Access code: 280 046 234##. Members of the public may view the meeting from any Department Regional Office and the Department’s Headquarters via video teleconference. Members of the public attending in person wanting to speak on a specific agenda item may submit Speaker Cards (Blue Cards) if they wish to speak to the Commission. Members of the public viewing via video teleconference wanting to speak to the commission on specific agenda items can call 602-962-8790 and follow the prompts to say your name, where you are calling from, and the agenda item you wish to speak about. THE ABILITY OF THE PUBLIC TO ATTEND THE MEETING IN PERSON IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE EVENT COVID-RELATED RESTRICTIONS ON PUBLIC EVENTS ARE MODIFIED PRIOR TO THE MEETING. IF THIS OCCURS, OTHER OPTIONS WILL REMAIN FOR THE PUBLIC TO LISTEN, WATCH AND COMMENT VIA ELECTRONIC MEANS. Copies of any presentations, documents, etc. discussed during the meeting will be available by contacting [email protected]. Unless expressly provided otherwise with any matter, the Commission may discuss and may vote to take action on the following matters:"

More info at:
Maybe we can blame Covid for the delays... you know, their computer got a virus.
Statistically speaking, is it possible that they've been running CC's all week and it just so happened that nobody on this forum drew anything?
It’s highly unlikely that nobody on this forum drew anything especially even a cow tag. Also people would be posting on other forums of charges. It’s mostly likely Friday or Monday.
yeah... the draw has not happened. I'd like to say it will happen Friday but at this point, who knows. i don't know what the point of extending the deadline was if there is still a week or more between that date and the actual draw taking place.
I will refrain from complaining as I don't want Karma to sink my odds lower than they already are...
I would just be interested in an explanation of what’s going on.

They’ve spent tens of thousands of our dollars in the last 2.5 weeks on man power to remedy whatever the situation is, not to mention all the CS time before that fielding calls from issues related to them messing up a bunch of people’s portals.
Mistakes are fine but accountability and transparency is too.
I would just be interested in an explanation of what’s going on.

They’ve spent tens of thousands of our dollars in the last 2.5 weeks on man power to remedy whatever the situation is, not to mention all the CS time before that fielding calls from issues related to them messing up a bunch of people’s portals.
Mistakes are fine but accountability and transparency is too.
A few thousand extra apps.
I would just be interested in an explanation of what’s going on.

They’ve spent tens of thousands of our dollars in the last 2.5 weeks on man power to remedy whatever the situation is, not to mention all the CS time before that fielding calls from issues related to them messing up a bunch of people’s portals.
Mistakes are fine but accountability and transparency is too.

I'd love to know too. I'm assuming they used an outside vendor to do the portal work this past year and there has to be a major F-up in the programming. Adding and extra 10k people with no points to track, sort and prioritize should be simple. Hopefully they shed some light on this....guessing one could request all the details once this is all over.
I'd love to know too. I'm assuming they used an outside vendor to do the portal work this past year and there has to be a major F-up in the programming. Adding and extra 10k people with no points to track, sort and prioritize should be simple. Hopefully they shed some light on this....guessing one could request all the details once this all over.
I've recently been attempting to contract with my local county and didn't win the bid my first go-round. I started asking questions about my scoring of my bid and I was directed to submit a Freedom of Information Act request to get my score results. I found out you could get all sorts of info from a foia request. I have no interest in doing so, but I'll bet there is going to be some internal report over the poop-show that was the 2021 elk/pronghorn draw. Someone so inclined could probably get a copy pretty easy if they wanted.

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