Are your weekends worth it?


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
I'm having a hiring problem that just fascinates me. Without going into specifics, I am offering a full-time job in my department that would represent a 67% increase in pay over what another department's part-time employees make. We're not talking lots and lots of money here, but it's more than minimum wage. Traditionally, these people jump on the chance to move because of the pay increase. The job is a little more difficult than their current job, but not 67% more difficult. (It's basically moving from sitting on your butt 75% of the time to sitting on your butt 50% of the time. ;) )

However, I've been told twice now that it's not worth it because my position requires that they work weekends. They'd still have (at least) two nights off a week, they just wouldn't fall on Saturday or Sunday. Did I mention a 67% pay increase?!?! |oo

Are your weekends that important to you, that you'd pass a relatively huge jump in money? If it were a situation like Flipper's where you're working like a dog all the time it'd be one thing, but we're talking about passing because your work days didn't fall in the right sequence. :confused: I guess next I'll be sitting in a rocking chair talking about how these young whippersnappers don't know what "work" is. :rolleyes:
That just sucks Darren...

If you were in Mt. or some where a little farther West, I know a number of people who would jump at such a great offer...

I ran a fairly large company for 30 years and one thing I noticed is that the younger generation saw their dads being loyal and working their butts off only to get screwed by the company. Also we raised our kids with way too much and some of them just didn't have to work hard at surviving. Many of the younger workers will only work regular schedules and don't want to sacrifice. Doesn't apply to all the younger people but it does to many of them who were just flat spoiled.
67% of what I make ? is a lot more then 67% of min wage......

time off is Valuable. With my wife not working it wouldn't matter which days I had off. If she was working and we only had the weekends together, It might be tough.
67% increase in pay but I would have to work on the weekends????? I do like my weekends, but if it means more cash flow then I think I would do it, not forever but I would do it.
Quick Draw
With the kids in school all through the week (except during summer of course...), my weekend time with them and the wife together is WAY too special for me.

I personally would not work weekends on a regular basis....

It's hard to have a life when your days off are different than most of your family/friends. I'm not sure I would take a job working weekends for a 67% pay increase. Maybe I would if I was barely surviving on my current income, and even then it would have to be only a temporary thing until I was able to find something better.
I would work weekends before weekdays in a heart beat.

I think all boat fisherman think that way. Less traffic!
I worked weekends for roughly 30n years then ended up having weekends off and then 3 day weekends off. Going back to working weekends on a regular basis? No Way! I do think I would jump on it if I was really strapped though.
Curious ... What kind of money are you talking about ?

67% More than minimum wage, still isn't exactly much money, or a salary you can support much of a lifestyle on. Many of these jobs are filled by Moms, older folks who just want a job for something to do, etc. Usually not the primary family income. The work schedule is equally as important or more so than the pay, in many cases.

My buddy runs a big factory with several hundred folks doing basic unskilled assemby work. They start out at minimum wage and top pay isn't really too great, however that's all they can afford to pay in that business. The only way they've been able to fill the positions is being real flexible with hours, schedules, etc. These people need to be home when their kids get off school, etc.

That's just reality. Business needs to change and adapt to todays workforce.
I have to agree with Steiny. If the pay was seriously substancial, you'd probably have your door pushed in! Weekends with the family are priceless. On the other hand, if you have several single folks available, they should go for it! JMHO.
I've worked nights and weekends for as long as I can remember so to me, days all run together. I don't know which day is which half the time. The good thing about my shift is that I get 3 days off one week, 4 days the next. I get to spend a lot of time with my wife and kids while still working nights/weekends. By the time my weekend rolls around, others are back to work. It's nice not having to deal with weekenders when it comes to hunting and fishing.
We don't have much choice. If you been there 30 years, you get weekends off. Other than that you work weekends. I try to stay on early evenings, and Thursday Fridays off. There is no one in the woods or water on those days. We don't get holidays off, we have to work them, unless it falls on your regular day off. But we get paid for working them, plus the holiday pay. It really sucks, but the retirement package, and pay is excellent, my health plan cost me $3 a week with my prescription, dental, eye, and life insurance for me an my wife. 8 more years, and its free for life. Thats why I work weekends.
Depends...we live comfortably on what I make now so money isn't a huge issue (he looks over the shoulder to make sure wife isn't in the room). In the past it may have meant more to me while starting up the family.

Time, however, seems to be more and more valuable as the kids get older and with the wife back in school I'm kind of the mom/dad right now (another quick glance around the room). Weekends are about the only time we get together and do the full blown family thing so no, even though 67% would be a montha of a raise, it wouldn't be worth the family time!
I would rather work weekends and have weekdays off. I am self employed so I can have some weekdays off, weekends or no days off depending on the time. I like weekends if I am doing something with my son, but to fish or hunt I will work the weekend and enjoy in the middle of the week all alone.
I should mention that I neglected to include the increased hours...they'd go from part time to full time. If you include the extra hours, the pay increase is actually about 230%. :eek: I really can't go into details (confidentiality and all that ;) ), but the part time pay is less than a dollar more than minimum. How's that for a gross ballpark figure? :D

These jobs tend to be filled by the younger crowd, who have a lot going on...I understand their desire to keep weekends free. I guess I always put making a living first, but, then, I'm paying for it now by missing a lot of good hunting and home time. :eek: As a coworker of mine likes to put it, "The harder you work the harder you get screwed."
wont trade my weekends for anything less than double time. Guys i work with make almost 40% more than me a year because they work every bit of OT they can but not me, life is too short.
If its a single income family, weekends traded for weekdays are great.

If the wifey were to be workin, no amount of $ would be enough to compensate.

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