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Are we still a Christian nation ?

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No.. We haven't been a "Christian" nation for some time..
That IS the only correct answer. "Our" nation is one now owned by the vocal minority who are not only anti-Christian, but anti-American. These are the people putting the Omar's and Tlaibs in charge. They are completely anti-religion UNLESS the religion in question HATES Christian's and Jews...then religion is a good thing. We lost control of our own society by conducting business as the politically correct trying to win the love of our enemies. Human beings will always have enemies in other human beings - this is not a design flaw, it is nature. We either stand up and be counted or we damn our children and their future. What a shame that we all share in the guilt of what has happened - and we will all share the shame of our inaction if we dont get off of our DEAD ASSES and stop it.
Myself and Tammy have a deep faith in God and his son Jesus Christ
But as for is or was The USA a christian nation well I dont think so, Our founding fathers were men of deep faith all their wrighting bear this out and leaving england and the only allowed church was the church of england they wrote
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exersice their of
So even tho they were men of faith they were also smart enought to let it up to us as individuals to worship as we see fit or to not ,so IMO our country was founded on christian Judao values like thou shal not steal but as a nation im not sure we are christian.
They were also smart enough to add All men are endowed by their creator certain unalienable rights so our right come from a creator and NOT the government because if they come from a creator the government can NOT take them away. like they could if they came from the government (very smart men)
Thanks for all the interesting post and thoughts in this one
That IS the only correct answer. "Our" nation is one now owned by the vocal minority who are not only anti-Christian, but anti-American. These are the people putting the Omar's and Tlaibs in charge. They are completely anti-religion UNLESS the religion in question HATES Christian's and Jews...then religion is a good thing. We lost control of our own society by conducting business as the politically correct trying to win the love of our enemies. Human beings will always have enemies in other human beings - this is not a design flaw, it is nature. We either stand up and be counted or we damn our children and their future. What a shame that we all share in the guilt of what has happened - and we will all share the shame of our inaction if we dont get off of our DEAD ASSES and stop it.

Brother, you need a hug.

"That IS the only correct answer."- Glad you've got it all figured out.

"These are the people putting the Omar's and Tlaibs in charge" -You mean the American congresswomen who were duly elected by other American's?

"conducting business as the politically correct" There's a difference between being politically correct and being a prick

Seek therapy. Talk to your clergy. Your hostility is, uh... not healthy

@Big Fin, I think we're nearing that point...
The United States does not have a state religion and it should not. You can be an American and be a Hindu that believes in many gods and reincarnation or an American Indian who believes in traditional beliefs. You can be Mormon, Lutheran, Calvinist, whatever. It matters not a whit to the law. When people say America is a "Christian nation" it implies that, under the law, one religion is above the others. That violates the idea behind the First Amendment and a basic freedom of conscience. More Americans embrace Christianity than embrace any other religion but that doesn't make America a "Christian nation." We are not a "Christian nation" under the law. We are a free nation. Let's respect each other's differences and keep it that way.
Reading what you said here caused me to "zoom out" and take a longer look. And I agree with you. I am a Christian, however that does not mean that I believe everyone should be (or could be) and I certainly dont think we need our religion to run our nation. I do believe that all Americams should be tolerant...and therein lies the problem. Too much of our society is absolutely bent on the degradation of Christians and Jews - where is their tolerance. Funny thing though, we absolutely must tolerate another religion that teaches hatred and writes of it in their bible calling for the slaughter/conversion/destruction of Jews and Christians. Tolerance only creates success if everyone is applying it equally...
Brother, you need a hug.

"That IS the only correct answer."- Glad you've got it all figured out.

"These are the people putting the Omar's and Tlaibs in charge" -You mean the American congresswomen who were duly elected by other American's?

"conducting business as the politically correct" There's a difference between being politically correct and being a prick

Seek therapy. Talk to your clergy. Your hostility is, uh... not healthy

@Big Fin, I think we're nearing that point...
I'm so sorry, I had no idea that only particular perspectives were allowed to be aired...I truly didnt mean to offend. I find it odd that you frame my words as "hostility" - I'm quite certain that I made no hostile statements. You are free of course to interpret any way you'd like - you see that is the gift of being American. Calling for censorship...that is not American at all.
And some of us wonder why we can’t have nice things....

More Jesus, less politics....

I think I read a quote attributed to Ghandi while he was working for India’s independence from British rule. “ I like Jesus, it’s his followers I can’t agree with.” ( my paraphrase as I remember it)
And some of us wonder why we can’t have nice things....

More Jesus, less politics....

I think I read a quote attributed to Ghandi while he was working for India’s independence from British rule. “ I like Jesus, it’s his followers I can’t agree with.” ( my paraphrase as I remember it)
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Mahatma Gandhi
And some of us wonder why we can’t have nice things....

Yup. Thoughtful discussion with full consideration of other perspectives seldom last long. This will be the last topic on religion on this forum. I knew a good discussion by open minded people would be ruined by some with a closed minds on this topic.

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