Are Housecats Varmints?


New member
Jul 10, 2001
Northern Colorado
What do you think? I'm not talking about your wife's pet kitty. It's the feral one's that you see a long way from any houses that I'm talking about. How do you handle this? I think most of ya's know my position on this subject :D.
We don't see too many of these in Southern California as the coyotes consider them delicacies. Even the pets disappear if they're not kept inside at night in rural areas, or even some suburbs. Of course, they also munch small dogs.

I have seen them around the campgrounds in Northern California, though, like in the Redwoods, etc.
All cats are considerd varmits, We have 2 they get out of hand and they turn into ballistic jelly, unless april runs them over by mistake

The coyotes around here think they are a delicacy! My airedale does too! And niether is all that picky about whether they are pets or not so they must taste about the same.
You guys are really sick!!!
We like cats.We really like those (sail cats that you find in the road.)
Really I dont shoot cats but I have no problem with someone else shooting ones that are wild OR pooping in your yard.
Our dogs pretty much keep them out of our yard now.
One time I did find a big tom cat hiding in our barn, I caught him and nutered him.He didnt hang around after he woke up
:( Last time Steve saw him he was running fast past our place.
In this part of the country we kill every feral cat we see if possible. They do major damage to Quail and Turkey chicks, which is a major cash crop here.

I haven't seen any ferral cats in the places I haunt. But if I did. They would be targeted for destruction. Just as were the six dogs that wern't in their proper environments.... :D
Are cats varmints? Sheesh, I thought everyone knew the answer to this. Read carefully: CATS ARE TARGETS! Point blank and period.
I used to raise ducks and one day my babies started to decrease in numbers. I had one left and I put it in a special pen and when I went out to check on it one of my cats was in the pen dinning on my last baby duck.

It was her last meal!!!!!!!!!!!

there's a story here somewhere...but i just cant remember the actuall events.....but i do know this...a farmer was controlling the population of the cats that were hanging around his farm and was run through the mill for mistreating animals........i do remember that he wasnt ppoisoning them,i think he was shooting them......just becareful,who needs that crap!

we have a small 2-acre plot where our hunting cabin was loaded with pheasant and rabbits....then came the cats,pheasant and rabbits all gone!

we have a couple differnt views on the cats at our is BLAST-UM...(243 90 gr. ballistic tip)works great!...the other view is to leave some to help controll the field can guess for yourself wich view is mine.

What timing. I just recieved this month's issue of Guns and Ammo. In it they tell of an AZ man who sued the state of Az. because a coyote ate his cat. The suit also mandated that the Az. Fish and Game feed the coyotes so they would not be inclined to eat cats.(Don't know if he won)

I have a solution. Stake out a cat. When the coyotes come in shoot the yote. At the end of the day shoot the cat. This way you have a biodegradable decoy.

:D :D :eek:
I'm afraid if I tied a kitty out for a decoy that the temptation would be too great and I'd end up shooting it before anything else showed up :D.

He lost both his cat and his case. The G&F ruled unanimous against him.

It seems he moved here a couple of weeks before the incident from back east somewhere.

Maybe we should put a sign up at the state line that says "WELCOME TO ARIZONA! Where everything is in the food chain, INCLUDING YOU!
maybe he should had done a little research before moving to AZ. Even I know that everything in Az will either sting you, stick you or bite you. :D
hey anything smaller than a coyote is considered a varmint around here. Especially cats. if you can't shoot them, run them over for coyote bait.
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