
Are Badgers Mean?

Jose, don't listen to all that mean badger talk. Just come in from the side, and talk to him in a soothing voice until he gets used to your touch. My boys played around with this one half the nite and nobody got bit. Be brave.
That badger looks like its full of rigamortis. Yes badgers are mean if they have no way to escape.
Generally, they will flee if they can. Just don't push him too hard unless you are planning to dispatch him.

When I was a kid on the ranch, my dad used to rope them all the time. He would just ride up to him quickly and get him to backing up. At that time it is easy to throw a loop over their rear end and they back into it. He would then just drag them to where he could find a gate post or something to kill him with. He had a horse that had seen so many roped, that he would just take off after them without being choached. I did not rope but two or three, but I can definitely say they are hard on a nylon rope!

He roped one when we were in school. He was close to the house, so he got him in a tool box and brought him home. We looked at him and decided to leave him loose in the shop so that the hired man could see him the next day. The shop had a floor that was about four inches thick. He got a claw hold on the concrete and dug through the floor over night. He spent the next day under the shop and then dug out to freedom. I would never have believed that anything was that strong.

I called in one with a varmint call once that I had no intention of killing. He had his mind made up on rabbit dinner, however, and would not leave even after a couple rounds in front of him. Seeing as how I am not good at hand to hand with a badger, the next round neutralized him.

They are interesting critters, but I would not want one hanging around my housing area. They are long on stupid and strength and are short on compromise.
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I wouldn't worry too much about that dog; it looks like it could hold its own. Isn't badger hunting badgers what they bred terriers for in Yorkshire? ;)

I hope that's your daughters dog or your man-card renewal might not be a sure thing even if you do pay the renrollment! :D
They are long on stupid and strength and are short on compromise.

...cept for the strength part they sound like a democrat.:D
just make sure you get down on ground level with it like you would with a strange dog. get nose to nose and eye to eye with it. nature will take it from there.
I killed one with a shovel while setting water as a teenager it was a fight to the death for sure but I was really tired of filling in his holes so it was him or me one of us was not leaving that field.
YES! Especially when they are wounded, thought one was dead, was reaching down to pick it up when it decided to come back to life....holy crap! snapping teeth, snarling, and chased me back to the pickup...I decided not to stop and open door, I dove through the window!
They are when they are in a trap! They make a crazy hissing sound.


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They have the Silas Robertson look-there ain't no college degree in those eyes! That is the easiest critter there is to trap. I love em! They are fairly valuable right now, too.

They are dumber than BO's cabinet!
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