
Arctic blast

There are multiple things that influence how it feels. Sunny or cloudy, dry or damp, calm or windy.

I could agree that the wind makes livestock waterers more likely to freeze up. For my horses it takes about -15F with a northeast wind of 20+mph before I have to thaw things out.
Currently using the richie water troughs im a big fan!
Wind chill also needs factored into feed intake requirements.
My sons horse "Pinecone" has frost bitten ears due to -20 with a wind chill in the -40 range. She has been in -20 a few times without consequence but one morning with that windchill and she won't ever look the same.
I've hauled freight in this weather with snogos. Kinda nice actually. As long as everything is working. Stop n take a break n watch the northern lights n have a little warm up. Carry on singing a tune
One of my takeaways from previously living in an extremely cold place is that if you have a garage and don't have to plow your own road, count yourself lucky. -20/30/40 is one thing, it's a whole different deal when you've got to keep a plow truck or tractor running and all your vehicles live outside.
One of my takeaways from previously living in an extremely cold place is that if you have a garage and don't have to plow your own road, count yourself lucky. -20/30/40 is one thing, it's a whole different deal when you've got to keep a plow truck or tractor running and all your vehicles live outside.
Most major operations with diesel equipment will leave everything idling 24/7 below -20. It's no fun being the only mechanic trying to cold start 20 or 50 diesel engines in those temps.
I feel bad for the Montana mule deer. Not only did they get pounded again by long seasons, rifle rut hunt, and heritage muzzy, but now an arctic blast and deep snow. Expecting next year to be the worst year yet.
-22F here today. Which isn't bad if it's not windy. It's awful with this 20-30mph wind. Finally starting to calm down a little.
So back to the Tesla - wouldn't this be a great time to do some real world testing?

Just finished reading a nice article about how blackrock and vanguard own massive percentages of utilities companies where they can play their ESG games with our lives. I'm sure the thought of wind and solar powering the electrical grid are comforting right now. About as comforting as crossing Montana in a Tesla in -20 temps.
Wind, geothermal, nuclear, and utility-grade solar (with snow melting devices which are commonplace in solar and wind) all do fine in winter weather. Liquified natural gas is the main issue because it doesn't transport well and its efficiency plummets as capacity is reached. Look at Texas 2020 for a fine example. A combination of energy sources is a great thing indeed. I'm on a geothermal, wind, nuclear, AND coal grid so prices are super stable year-round and no issues at all with power delivery.

I know it's easy to try and combine teslas with alternative energy sources but they're literally apples and oranges.

I used to live in Alaska and had mad envy for people with hybrids because winterized hybrids and EVs don't have to worry about their gasoline freezing overnight.

Also, those companies don't own the utility groups. They're the biggest private investment groups in the world whose clients own portions of those utility groups. Common misconception/conspiracy theory. My 401k is held by Vanguard but Vanguard doesn't own the stock; I do.
Currently using the richie water troughs im a big fan!
Wind chill also needs factored into feed intake requirements.
My sons horse "Pinecone" has frost bitten ears due to -20 with a wind chill in the -40 range. She has been in -20 a few times without consequence but one morning with that windchill and she won't ever look the same.

I worked dairy and swine in this weather when I was younger. I do not miss that at all.
I used to live in Alaska and had mad envy for people with hybrids because winterized hybrids and EVs don't have to worry about their gasoline freezing overnight.
Hybrids run on gasoline... And EV perform very poorly in cold temps. Their ranges are cut way down due to battery performance and using energy to keep the cabin warm. I presume you can plug them in to warm up off the power grid vs battery if you don't have a garage.

I've never heard of gasoline freezing up, diesel will gel, but not gas. Water in your tank/lines, may freeze but rarely these days with ethanol mixes.
I worked dairy and swine in this weather when I was younger. I do not miss that at all.
Been there also.
Trying to keep water troughs thawed for a few thousand milk cows in these temps is a miserable job. People don't realize that a day of low water intake can change the volume of milk a cow produces for potentially months or until she is fresh again (Has another calf).

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