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Arctic blast

Since we are talking cold, one of my pet peeves, and I have a few, is the wind chill number thrown around like it equals how cold it is.

No one likes wind combined with cold, but for anything mechanical, it is only the temperature that really matters.

The person posting on the board who deals with the nastiest winter temperatures is SaskHunter. I grew up in eastern North Dakota and it was far harsher than what Montana has thrown at me. I always knew it was worse north of the border.
Since we are talking cold, one of my pet peeves, and I have a few, is the wind chill number thrown around like it equals how cold it is.
100%, Never even thought about wind chill until I went to school in Southern CO and everyone was taking about how the temp was -20 wind chill and I was thinking it is 10 above, that is not that cold, just don't stand around with your face into the wind.
Since we are talking cold, one of my pet peeves, and I have a few, is the wind chill number thrown around like it equals how cold it is.

No one likes wind combined with cold, but for anything mechanical, it is only the temperature that really matters.

The person posting on the board who deals with the nastiest winter temperatures is SaskHunter. I grew up in eastern North Dakota and it was far harsher than what Montana has thrown at me. I always knew it was worse north of the border.
When you’re out in it fighting frozen cattle drinkers and trying to keep water open it matters.

Humidity I think makes it feel colder than wind though.
I remember one winter I was helping build a guest lodge at Mountain Sky Ranch up Big creek(Paradise Valley). February, the temp dropped 60 degrees in 20 minutes.
Some of us workers were living up there, no phone, internet, no nothing. It was pretty boring aside from great skiing and poaching monster trout out of the ranch pond. Typically the only socialization was racing off the mountain and barring up at the Old Saloon in Emigrant. This was way before it became trendy. That cold snap^ lasted 14 days -25. Vehicle frozen solid.
We finally snapped, threw a tarp over the car , poked a propane blower under there poured on the heat. My version of the good ole days, I guess.
When you’re out in it fighting frozen cattle drinkers and trying to keep water open it matters.

Humidity I think makes it feel colder than wind though.

There are multiple things that influence how it feels. Sunny or cloudy, dry or damp, calm or windy.

I could agree that the wind makes livestock waterers more likely to freeze up. For my horses it takes about -15F with a northeast wind of 20+mph before I have to thaw things out.
Since we are talking cold, one of my pet peeves, and I have a few, is the wind chill number thrown around like it equals how cold it is.

No one likes wind combined with cold, but for anything mechanical, it is only the temperature that really matters.

The person posting on the board who deals with the nastiest winter temperatures is SaskHunter. I grew up in eastern North Dakota and it was far harsher than what Montana has thrown at me. I always knew it was worse north of the border.
This is the exact same theory as the thread on HT of what do you call a 4 point with eye guards? Tomato/ tomatoe
It’s gonna be 6 here with wind chills around -15 or so with a forecast of 1” of snow. These folks are buying out grocery stores and hitting up Lowes and Home Depot for generators like it’s the winter apocalypse!
That’s what always happens around here. Everyone around loads up on milk, bread, toilet paper. Not sure why as I don’t think you would be wiping up much with a steady diet of milk and bread.
That’s what always happens around here. Everyone around loads up on milk, bread, toilet paper. Not sure why as I don’t think you would be wiping up much with a steady diet of milk and bread. daughter stopped at Walmart and said that the bread and milk shelves were empty and they just rolled out the carts and they were getting it off of those. Screw that…if I can’t get out of the house I’m stocking up on chili fixins, cheap whiskey and Twinkies! Then I’ll have a need for the TP!
This is one of those storms that help weed out those i am moving to wyoming next year or i moved to montana this summer and love it types... florida benefits
I’ve seen negative twenties plenty of times and a few negative thirties during my years in central Montana, but this will be a first for me to see that in the Flathead Valley. I hope it happens, I like seeing mother nature’s power. Also, I agree on the wind chill BS, it’s too subjective. Pure temperature is the attention grabber IMO.

Wonder how the Californians will like that? Or to they all migrate south for winter?
Hey now, not all of California is beaches and Hollywood. We had -18 a few years ago in Northeastern CA. It used to always get down below zero a few days every year. Not as much anymore. But I know what you’re saying. We got out of CA. For the same reasons nobody likes them. To many fruits and nuts.
Since we are talking cold, one of my pet peeves, and I have a few, is the wind chill number thrown around like it equals how cold it is.

No one likes wind combined with cold, but for anything mechanical, it is only the temperature that really matters.

The person posting on the board who deals with the nastiest winter temperatures is SaskHunter. I grew up in eastern North Dakota and it was far harsher than what Montana has thrown at me. I always knew it was worse north of the border.

Pretty sure Panda Bear lives up in one of our Territories, temps up there are no joke and our -40s have nothing on the temps they get up there.

Inanimate objects aside, I'll take a -40 no wind over a -20 with stupid winds. Life is different at -40 with no wind, it feels so peaceful and quiet, the cracking sound of the snow as you walk around. Don't get me wrong, I'd never endure another -40 if I could, but I don't mind them.
So it was finally above zero this morning. 8.
0,-15 with wind chill last Fri. -5 last Wed.
Been cold since last weeks storm. Been cold since Nov. , but it's a dry cold, until it blows. Then it just blows....

The roof snow/ice melted and I got the stove pipe brushed today. Burning a lot of wood.
Hit 34 and now it'll be muddy til 10pm. Rio is bringing his share in, along with me.
I saw he liked my new, of course his quilt is out in the truck and not on the bed where it should be.

Been waiting for fedex to bring the last of the meds, since last Wed. I have to sign for them....................... I hear it made to Alb. today and out for The guy is stuck somewhere, trying to find my road and it'll be sent back. Watch.
They can't figure out how to find me half the time and I know they never call.

Forecast calls for a balmy 8 tomorrow morning.
Made a big pot of green chile stew for dinner.
So it was finally above zero this morning. 8.
0,-15 with wind chill last Fri. -5 last Wed.
Been cold since last weeks storm. Been cold since Nov. , but it's a dry cold, until it blows. Then it just blows....

The roof snow/ice melted and I got the stove pipe brushed today. Burning a lot of wood.
Hit 34 and now it'll be muddy til 10pm. Rio is bringing his share in, along with me.
I saw he liked my new, of course his quilt is out in the truck and not on the bed where it should be.

Been waiting for fedex to bring the last of the meds, since last Wed. I have to sign for them....................... I hear it made to Alb. today and out for The guy is stuck somewhere, trying to find my road and it'll be sent back. Watch.
They can't figure out how to find me half the time and I know they never call.

Forecast calls for a balmy 8 tomorrow morning.
Made a big pot of green chile stew for dinner.
Hope you enjoy the solitude. I’m betting you do.
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