Archery Practice Within City Limits


Well-known member
May 30, 2017
Montana City
Looking for any insight on where someone might be able shoot their bow, or even if it is legal to shoot within city limits here in Omaha. The closest range to me takes 20-40 minutes each way depending on traffic, and I am typically off late anyways. Not to mention, it is $10/hour, which can get expensive on a weekly basis. I would really like to find a place that I could head to every day if possible to get my practice in. I'm not sure if it would be legal/frowned upon to shoot in the more secluded city parks or if I just need to find a friend with a backyard. Any info helps and thanks in advance!
Looking for any insight on where someone might be able shoot their bow, or even if it is legal to shoot within city limits here in Omaha. The closest range to me takes 20-40 minutes each way depending on traffic, and I am typically off late anyways. Not to mention, it is $10/hour, which can get expensive on a weekly basis. I would really like to find a place that I could head to every day if possible to get my practice in. I'm not sure if it would be legal/frowned upon to shoot in the more secluded city parks or if I just need to find a friend with a backyard. Any info helps and thanks in advance!

Look up the city ordinances. My guess is it's illegal. As to whether it's enforced is anybody's guess. I've done it, and seen plenty of folks doing it, but in reality I think we are all hanging ourselves out there a bit.
Look up the city ordinances. My guess is it's illegal. As to whether it's enforced is anybody's guess. I've done it, and seen plenty of folks doing it, but in reality I think we are all hanging ourselves out there a bit.

I agree with JLS... I've done it (Not in Omaha), lots of folks do it, it's most likely illegal, and it is not usually enforced unless someone calls and reports you. I'd add to that, if any thing went wrong, someone got injured, or killed the liability could be devastating.

Just my 2 cents worth...
I dont live in Omaha but in a city of 300,000+ and I shoot in the city. Put the target in front of my shed which has a 6fr fence behind it so I have a solid backing if were to miss. My guess is the most you would get is a warning the first time.
Checked Omaha ordinances - nothing saying it's illegal after searching "shoot", "weapon", "bow", and "archery"

That being said, it would be a good idea to do it in a manner that doesn't lead to it becoming illegal in Omaha. Supervision of kids shooting and good communication with neighbors goes a long way
I go to the local park to practice my archery. Most archery shops have an indoor range. Here it is illegal to discharge a firearm in city limits but nothing is said about archery as long as you do it in a safe place.
Thanks for the info everyone. I took a look at Omaha city ordinances and it is not legal in city parks, which is what I wanted to try. I also looked at the Ralston ordinances just south of me, and did not see anything against it. I may give it a shot!
I shoot in my backyard all the time, but we also live on a quiet cul-de-sac out in farm country, outside city limits. If I shank one and go full "arrows to Jesus" they land in the alfalfa field behind us. Funny thing is, not one of my neighbors batted and eye when I popped the side gate and stood in the middle of the road to shoot a 100 yard target at our back property line. My next door neighbor Skip just came out with binos to tell me where I was hitting.

I love my neighborhood.
Years ago, my backyard neighbor was wildly "practicing" using a small target with no real solid backstop. I gave him the side eye while cutting the grass, and he went inside. Later when I went to pick some cucumbers from the garden, I discovered one of his arrows laying there.

I called a friend on the force to get the lowdown on the regulations for Wichita. I was told that there was no ordinance covering archery use inside the city limits of Wichita. A friendly visit from me to him returned his arrow, and resulted in him turning his range 90 degrees towards a side neighbor's home/shed. Two days later the window of the shed was broken, and an arrow was found inside. The second arrow return happened with less than friendly overtones, and the "target" practice thankfully ceased.

In my current home, I occasionally shoot, and the neighbors south and east of me do too. I shoot with a large target, backed by an even larger arrow target, backed by a maple tree, and solid fence behind that.
Contact the city parks and Rec. They may already have a 3D range or if they here from enough archers they may be willing to work with you.
Looking for any insight on where someone might be able shoot their bow, or even if it is legal to shoot within city limits here in Omaha. The closest range to me takes 20-40 minutes each way depending on traffic, and I am typically off late anyways. Not to mention, it is $10/hour, which can get expensive on a weekly basis. I would really like to find a place that I could head to every day if possible to get my practice in. I'm not sure if it would be legal/frowned upon to shoot in the more secluded city parks or if I just need to find a friend with a backyard. Any info helps and thanks in advance!
My suggestion would be to get friendly with your neighbors and see their thoughts. If they're fine with it, you're good to go!
Its likely not illegal. However, you might speak to someone in the Parks and Rec Dept. to encourage them to put an archery range in. They are always looking for ways to increase participation and use of the city parks.