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April is Coming soon !!! Who is Fired up ?!?!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I have posted that I like to Hunt BEar.... I really do. I have yet to Take a big bear but have taken 5 in Idaho. I wrote this Out and Am edditing it but Wanted to post it again to Get The Rest of you Bear hunters Fired up... This Is What I do In Idaho. I am going to hunt Unit 39 and 34 again this year.

As of Any Game, The First thing to Hunting bear is there must be some in that location. We've gotten pretty good at knowing were bear are. Not like it's hard here, because Bear are everywere!!! If there isn't any in the Area then You are wasting your time. A good Way to find out is Look for random Overturned rocks, broken rotten logs and of course bear droppings (SCAT). Scat can look different at different times of the year but basically looks like Human Fesis but usually a bit smaller and if there diet has a bunch of grass/berries then it could be more of a "pile". Bear Scat around our Bait is Usually BLACK. Maybe we feed them weird stuff HUH?!?!?

That being said And you know Bear are in the AREA, I would also check out a couple of other things. There are rules in Idaho that state you have to be certain distances from roads and water and Have to use a ground pit or a 55 Gal drum (WE've been talking about this. Plasic is a NO-NO) chained to a tree.Here is one such drum :


Make Sure you Follow All rules. Idaho Change some this Year again and have in the last couple of years so I will have to Refresh Myself and get all caught back up AGAIN!!! But it's well worth it.

Just like Last year, I will be posting alot of pictures here hopefully and this season I hope to get my second bear with a bow. LAst year I took my First bear with a Bow and It was AWSOME to me !!

Here is the first bear I ever got '98.


We like to Bait Downhill from the road. Here's why. I only have to Carry ONE or TWO bears out from the bait site but have to bring in thousands of pounds of bait during the Season. I hoof it all on my own and don't use horses or 4-wheelers so that's my "DOWNHILL" theory. Also it is Easier to approach a bait site from the Top incase a bear happens to be already on that site. We have had bear slip in early and us SPOOK them off the site.

NOW, I look for thick places. Bears feel more comfortable if they can approach the bait site under "cover". You should be in an area that has plenty of cover yet able to see far enough to see a bear coming it. We found a Spot not to far from the road but it is in thicker area and it works well!! Some other Area's are Crossing rivers, Hiking in far or in an Area thats so close others drive right by it.

Are you Going to hunt w/ a bow or gun, Are you planning to dig a pit or use a tree stand? Are you going to try to Spot and stalk or use bait. Are you going to run them with dogs?!?!!? Personally I like to BAIT. I would use Hounds But I don't have any so I use bait.

We have in the Past used Stands and Ground blinds. This year will be a stand w/ the Bow again. I have taken my first 4 bears w/ a rifle and last year took one with a bow. I think it's time for the Bow again. this year I will hopefully catch iton tape !!

Here is Me in a STAND GOOFIN' :


Bait.....Is another key. There are several ways to do this. We use Barrels. We cut the lids off for an opening and Use hinges to put them back on. Then we have chains holding the Lids so they only open part way. We have used cheese and bread in the past. There was a cheese factory that we got cheese from but it has since closed down. We have also used cheap dog food. As you get rid of your elk/deer meat from the freezer this year replace the Space w/ old food scraps and old vegetables for the Spring bait.. But, In IDAHO NEVER use game meat. Even if it's OLD !!! IDFG states that NO PART of any game animal can be used for a bait site... that means Salmon guts too. Weird I think, But thats the law.

Ahhh Which reminds me THE BEST BY use in the spring is APPLES!!!! The bear kind of need to "WAKE UP" their system after the long winter "NAP". They eat slowly at first. Apples, we have found, are the best for the bears to get their system going and is Easy on their stomach. After they start hanging around, They eat anything...except jalepeno, but that is another story. I will be heading down to the Orchards In a few months hopefully to Fill my truck with Apples....

Here is my 2nd BEar I got :


OK, What haven't I talked about?!?!?! OH Yahh Size...They say that Ears are truly one of the best ways to judge. I like to look at size of body and hoe they move. If he waddles or looks like he is rolling almost when you see him, you can bet he is a shooter. Also a big bear will look rounder in the body rather than sleek like a younger one! If I was hunting over bait, I would get a bench mark of the height on a tree of close to the bait site to use as a "benchmark". Put up a piece of cloth or something else next to the Barrel for Size judgement.

Be forwarned...Little Bears tend to come to the Bait site first. DON'T SHOOT THE FIRST BEAR YOU SEE 99% of the time it's a (What we call a little one) a BOO BOO They try to get in before the bigger bears do. I had a buddy shoot a little bear a few years ago w/ his bow. When he brought it into fish and game there was 7 bear brought in that day. 6 of the 7 were yearling bear. (HUH T-BONE
) Nothing wrong w/ bear management but if you are indeed looking for one to mount be careful. It takes a lot of practice. Bears ground shrink faster that any other species I know. I actually know 3 Guys getting SMALL bear a couple years ago year. Only one said they knew it was a Small bear. I have had the experience that Big bear will come into the site a little closer to dark.

The time of year in the Spring that we bait it gets dark around 9:10 PM. We are usually at out sites at about 6-6:30 and dumping goodies. Lemme tell you It is hard to sit in a friggin tree stand for 2 hours....(At least for this Western boy). Anyways, the earliest we've taken a bear I think Was like 8:25 PM. But we've seen bear in the bait as early as...7:00 PM I think.

Here is a Bear I spot/stalked 3 years ago:


Here is my 4th bear. 2002 Idaho bear. I took this bear on my first trip out on a solo hunt. It was actually a Spot and Stalk but a cool (SHORT) hunt. I was only 1 mile back in a canyon. Got the hunt on video:


This year We will have several sites and I strongly recommend this for you too. We have had up to 3 barrels to start then usually only keep one after the first 2 weeks. This year will be different I think!!! Anyways. If you are looking for a good spot and think you've found one, Dump some bait. Check it often and maintain it. If you have someone, baiting in the Next canyon or two and they maintain their site....Well need I say more?!?! Maintaining brings me to my next point....SCENT!!

I think Scent plays NO roll if you do it right. (All Personal Opinion here) We Dump our sent ALL over the site and do so all the time. We constantly Pee, hang sweaty shirts, Or whatever to leave or scent...Heres' why :

If there is NO scent around, and One day you are sitting on the stand and the wind isn't just right or anything. and the bear smells you, and lemme tell you he will!!!! Bears can Smell for Miles in the field, You think you can Hide your scent from them, Think again BUDDY!!! Bears can Smell for MILES. I really Believe that!! If the Scent is ALWAYS there, the bear will eventually come in late at night to check it out then start feeling more comfortable and Bombard it during the "WITCHING'" hours, Which is the last 2 hours of the day. So that's my Story and I'm sticking to it.....

I came across a Fish BAit GEL called "SMELLY JELLEY" and am going to use that this year again to Sent up the Place. There are different types but I think It ALL stinks!!!! Which is What you Need when You huntbear.

Here is last years Bear :


We also Do a Honey burn. We put about 1/2" honey in the bottom of a Old soup can and Put it on a Bunsen burner and Cook it slowly.. That sent smells the Air up real good. I will take some Pictures Of That on our hunt also!!!!!

Well...... Enuf typing for Me. Wait for some pics and Constant updates After APRIL 15TH!!! Thats when The season Opens up... And Lemme tall ya I CAN't WAIT!!!!!!!!

Any one else excited ?!?!!?!?
Moosie, I only baited once. It was about 17 years ago here in Az. The following year AZ G & F. outlawed it and it has been a no no ever since. We did have a blast it ranks as one of my all time best hunts.
Anyway, the thing we used that the bears absolutely hammered was Wendy's cooking grease. My buddy Mike, his sister's boyfriend worked at a Wendys so we loaded up a bunch of grease and used it. I think that would work well with your theory about bears starting out with easy to digest food when they first get out of bed in the spring. When we baited, the bears would actually remove the meat (Jackrabbits) and just eat the grease. Good Luck, JLG.
I will be back in SK end of May. I am looking forward to hunting with Casey and Dustin. This will be the year to get a good one (I hope anyway). Saw some last year, but not the big one I was hoping for. I did see some bears up close though.



They sure were spooky as I was reloading the camera and snapping away.

LB, I've made one rug, one FULL body mount, one "JUST TAN" and the other 2 are in the Tannery, Long story but I'm hoping to get them back someday ?!? They'll be a JUST TAN also. I'm hanging them up like that.

JLG, We use Greese as well. We use Molass's and other stuff. It al lworks great !!

MTMiller, I wish I was going back. Budget doesn't alow for this year. but, I hope ya BAG a BIG'un !!!!

Are you working out so you can Hike back from the Tree stand ...
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Are you working out so you can Hike back from the Tree stand <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You know it.
Stair stepping twice a day and weights 5x's a week. Gotta be ready to put in the miles in SK and get rid of the weight I put on during hunting season. Four months off from the gym during hunting season and I put on 12 pounds.
Moosie I bait on the ground. I find about 4 trees in a semi circle so the bears only have one way to come in. I then dump all my bread and donuts on the ground then cover it with logs sticks and branches. Then i take 10 gallons of grease and you know in the spring it is like a jell. So when it warms up a little during the day it melts and drips onto the bait and logs. I also smears grease on tree trunks and throw it into the pine needles for the same thing as I said about warming up and dripping. I started a new site last year on a Tuesday and it was hit by Friday. I also dont care about putting scent out as I bait up hill from the trail. About 500 yds off the trail. It is easier for me to pack bait uphill and the bears down the hill. LOL I take the bears out whole. Get it home and deal with it.
There are theories on what bears want to eat in the spring as you said also. I put grease out so that it gives them the runs to clean out there system and the scat around my bait site has showed in the area I have baited. They seem to like the grease. I just use the bread donuts and grease in the spring. I used on a site that had bears in the neighborhood meat scraps and found that it didnt do as well until they cleaned there system out. Found tracks around it and a few logs moved but not tore up like my other sites. This is why I now dont use the meat scraps unless it was later after they have woke up. I have also found that bears in my area dont like the sourdugh buns. After each time of putting the bait out they where just laid around. Foxes did like them though as I just left them where they laided. I had a fox use to come in and get a couple each time I was there.
I have a friend that lives in Northern Idaho that baits for bears and he has killed and helped friends take them who has taught me how to bait. I met him on another site and then each year met him at the Idaho state jamboree archery shoot in July. He is also a elk killer as he has taken 28 elk with his bow.
Size of bears I am learning that to or trying to as they do look bigger at first till you look at them up close. My wife which she has said doesnt matter how big it is wants one for a blanket which is what I will do with the bears we take this year unless it is a colored bear that I will make into a rug. I have found from advice from John and from watching on my bait sites that if it is a bigger bear he will come straight into the bait and feed and I know he is the dominant bear in the area. when I see a bear sneak in and grab and run then I know it is a Boo Boo as Moosie said. I took my brother up last year and he missed one that snuck in and was real leary of coming in. He came in around 6:15. We watched him come in but never came out of the trees. My brother shot and missed and never saw him again as it was 2 days before season closed.
but I have been talking about nothing else as it is fast approaching.
Great post Moosie and very informative.
Although last year (and the year before) was a bust, I really like baiting. I can be selective and I have less of a chance of accidentily killing a wet sow. Plus I usually see a lot of bears which is my favorite part.

While I was out checking a new area for moose hunting potential last fall, I found an area thick with wild rose--there was big piles of bear scat every where. In most of the piles you could see the turds were about 2 inches in diameter. Big turd! It takes a big butthole to make a big turd. I'm hoping it takes a big bear to get a butthole bigenough to make big turds.

Baiting season opens April 15th but there'll still be a couple feet of snow where I'm going to hunt. I'll go in about then, find my exact spot and hang my stand.

Last 2 years I hunted close to home in a general area known for bears. In 02 I was a bit conservative with the type of bait and got zee-ro hits--I stuck to sweets as meat flavor and grease increases your chances of bringing in a Grizzly. Can't take them with ih 1/2 mile of a registered bait stand and they generally run off the blackies. Last year I got more aggresive and hung a whole frying chicken high up--plastic and all to get more scent out. It was reeking in no time. Dogfood, sweet grain for horses and 5 gallons of pancake syrup in a drum is my basic mix. I cut a half moon opening in one end and hang my drum horizontally so the opening is armpit high on me. I do this to conserve bait, limit access to "shooters" and to discourage small bears from returning. When I baited in better areas in the past this set up worked well so I'm hoping it works again. When I go in, I pour a bottle of immitation vanilla flavor over the barrel. I like the barrel because in Alaska, when you remove your bait you have to remove any soil "contaminated" by bait. It doesn't happen often but every once in a while you read about a guy who gets popped for not digging up and hauling out the 300 or so lbs of dirt he "contaminated" by dumping 10-20 gallons of old fry grease on the ground at his bait.

All my stuff's in a container with a carry handle for removal from the field.

I believe that by making the bear stand I have a better view of its underside and if its a wet sow the teats really show, even in shadow or late evening.

This year I'm going to make more scent drags. I feel really good about this spot. Its along a heavily wooded north-south creek bottom, there's brushy/wooded hills immediatly to the west with lots of den site potential and I saw scat and tracks this fall. My actuall stand will be about 2 to 2-1/2 mile from a lightly traveled road and I saw no evidence of past baiting activity after 6 trips to the area.

Hey, good luck to you guys
may all your bruins waddle when they walk

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-27-2004 00:23: Message edited by: Erik in AK ]</font>
I'm fired up ! So far I'm one for one on bear hunts! I took a small bear in AZ in 99. I was really surprised when the G&F took a tooth sample and came back with the age being 17 years! I hope to find a couple bears I saw this fall hunt. I'm not sure how these bear are up here, I hope they dont travel to far. If anybody has some advice on hunting them in MT, I'll take it!
My ears are open to any responses to beardown.

I have only hunted bears once and it was over bait in SK. I would love to try it here in MT, but am very naive on where to go. I am open to any advice.
I hunted bears 3 years ago up near Yaak. I was the only one out of 6 guys not to shoot a bear. This was a spring hunt and we saw several bears. We stayed in Libby a couple of nights and Rexford a couple of nights.

I will have to dig through pics and scan and post. I don't think my liver could handle another trip like that.
Nemont, thanx buddy! Those areas are right in my neck of the woods. I'll have to take a little trip up that way in a few weeks. We have lots of bear right here, just cant shoot them on the rez!
Beardown, if you are looking for a hunt partner, I am very interested. I don't know how much scouting I would be able to do, but I am willing to use you for my gain.

BTW, I am pretty slow, so you could escape while I am feeding the hungry bears.

Maybe Nemont wants to guide the trip?
mtmiller.....I've been having technical difficulties with my computer. Anyways I like to hook up for the bear hunt. For some reason everyone I meet up here does'nt really take hunting as serious as I do.So I'm still looking for someone to go with. The area that Nemont mentioned is only about two hours from me , so I should be able to get quite a bit of scouting in. I also saw a couple shooters not to far from here back in september so I have a few options. Send me an e-mail and I'll let you know more. ( hilyer2003@yahoo)
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> For some reason everyone I meet up here does'nt really take hunting as serious as I do. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

HEHEH.... MtMiller is 380#'s and never killed anything. I think he's really from Russia and with his 6'9" body he's better at drinking Vodka then hunting....

But thats jsut my opinion
moosie remember that wager you mentioned a while back? Well I'll take a drunken miller and you take the gay man from MT and lets see who gets the biggest bruin! :D
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