Anyone repainted a Traeger?


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2024
Somewhere under the rainbow
Mine has some rust on it. I just replaced some parts, so the internals are good. Has anyone taken a wire wheel and some high temp rattle can paint to these?

I just had to replace the auger motor on mine. And it is rusting in spots too even though it’s covered and under a covered porch. For being $800 I have not been impressed with the durability.
I just had to replace the auger motor on mine. And it is rusting in spots too even though it’s covered and under a covered porch. For being $800 I have not been impressed with the durability.
My brother in law has had to replace the computer on his twice. I have one at home and another at the cabin and have never had an issue. But my BIL uses his probably 250 days a year.
My brother in law has had to replace the computer on his twice. I have one at home and another at the cabin and have never had an issue. But my BIL uses his probably 250 days a year.
This one is about 7-8 years old, and has been used a lot. Really, it’s been pretty trouble free. I’ve replaced the igniter rod, temp sensor rod, and the power cord. Other than the rust, it’s operating just fine.
My brother in law has had to replace the computer on his twice. I have one at home and another at the cabin and have never had an issue. But my BIL uses his probably 250 days a year.
I cook on mine 3-4 times a week all year on average. Between the traeger and the black stone we haven’t cooked inside in 3 weeks.

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