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Anyone ever been to Whitetail Heaven in KY?


Dec 4, 2019
I watch Pigman on Sunday nights and a couple weeks ago he filmed an episode from a hunting resort outside Louisville KY called Whitetail Heaven, I looked up the place on my phone and IMO the prices were reasonable considering lodging, meals and hunting. Well, assuming you can shoot whatever you see, the website didn't specify if the price was size specific on bucks. Just curious if any of you guys have ever been or know anything about the place? My dad and I were thinking of planning a trip next season if the place is legit and not some high fence place shooting deer with cattle tags in there ears :ROFLMAO:
If they cap themselves at a dozen or so hunters a year it could be fun. A lot of those places just milk it and rotate 20 guys through per week for 8 weeks.
I don't think it's high-fence, but for that money you'd be much better off getting a lease and doing your own thing IMO.
Ive read some negative reviews at a few locations. (look at Bowsite)I understand them to be fair chase but they overhunt the land and have huge numbers of hunters in camp in a given week. The price seems pretty low and their web site is stalled at 2014. Their facebook page is more up to date and contains a few negative reviews. I always start by messaging the outfitter and requesting a contract and any supporting paperwork they would exchange with a client. Also ask for references but take those with a grain of salt.
I think I'll pass on them, from the reviews I read it looks like they severely over hunt areas. Thanks for the review links guys.
Check out Land Between the Lakes for a hunt that’d be more in line with what most here could offer feedback on.
I believe LBTL is archery only I don't bow hunt but thanks for the suggestion.
You guys can keep this topic going but I won't be giving my $$ to WHO, I'll stick to public land and possibly get some buddies to buy a lease next season.
Public land KY rifle season is not as crowded as other places I've been. Midweek you should have plenty of room to yourself. Y not give DIY a shot?? Way cheaper.
Can't speak for this particular outfitter, but for what they are charging, you and a partner could lease an entire farm for the whole season and have it all to yourselves, going back as many times as you want, archery, gun or both. No other hunters, no rules about rack size, set stands where you want them, etc. You also won't be sharing a camp with a bunch of strangers and eating crummy food.

I did a bunch of these guided whitetail hunts in Illinois and never killed a deer. Started leasing ground and doing my own thing and have killed deer every year since. Most of these larger whitetail outfitters are very low success and areas are way over hunted.
With over a million acres of public land in Kentucky and 3 million plus deer why the hell would anybody pay for an outfitted whitetail hunt in Kentucky?
With over a million acres of public land in Kentucky and 3 million plus deer why the hell would anybody pay for an outfitted whitetail hunt in Kentucky?
Because they want to go that route. I have never been on a outfitted hunt for deer. But there is nothing wrong with it
With over a million acres of public land in Kentucky and 3 million plus deer why the hell would anybody pay for an outfitted whitetail hunt in Kentucky?

Because. Life is full of unlimited ways to do it. Try them all, then try them all again. Repeat as needed. If you find it enjoyable, you win and you wont know unless you try it.
I have not heard good things about WHO from clients and horror stories from landowners.

Regarding LBL, it is technically open to public rifle, but you'll need to build points to draw.
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