Anyone else see this?

Has anyone ever seen a whitetail with antlers like that? If you imagine it as a European mount, with the skull pointed down at an angle, the antler points would literally point outwards and the beams curl down. The way the story is written, however, makes me want to believe. It’s like believing in Santa Clause though at this point.

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similar buck got shot in northern Illinois this year that looks pretty similar with a 27 2/8 spread

Haha. Yeah I would smoke that joker. Don’t need big aggressive male animals near my wife and kids. However here is one key difference in how things would go for me, that bull is getting stuffed in a closet never to be seen by the internet or really anyone since I have no friends and my family could care less.
That bull would have never got that big around my house. He may not have ever broke 400
Back Of Bald Head Images – Browse 5,136 Stock Photos, Vectors, and ...
Back Of Bald Head Images – Browse 5,136 Stock Photos, Vectors, and ...
I have spent way too much time down the rompola rabbit hole. Initially my first reaction and what I believed for many years was that he was the world’s greatest fraudster. He is definitely a wierd dude. But over the years as I dug deeper the facts don’t support the fraud. Only anecdotal speculation like what you see in this thread.

The man unquestionably knows whitetail deer. You can watch interviews and listen to people who personally know him including his son. He had killed multiple verified and entered state records prior to this buck. The buck was handled and scored by three scorers, a butcher and seen by others. They have given interviews. Watch the recovery video on YouTube if you like.(may sow more doubts as not the greatest) 2 field photos of the buck and read the story as told by Mitch.

I think when the dust settles(and I do think we will someday know likely when Mitch has died) we will find out that buck was real and Mitch is likely one of the greatest whitetail hunters that has ever lived. Either way, and if I am wrong and took the bait hook line and sinker(very possible) we are still talking about that buck with little to no mention of Milo Hansen and his spindly 3.5 yr old he gunned (including once through the horn I believe).
I agree that the Rompola buck is legit. But "one of the greatest whitetail hunters that ever lived?" I'd bet that man has already lived and died unknown, and he sure as heck didn't sit in a tree with a compound bow.
For those that think the rompola buck is the real deal, what do you think of the other bucks he shot with he same "characteristics "?
For those that think the rompola buck is the real deal, what do you think of the other bucks he shot with he same "characteristics "?
I share your concerns. The statistical probability of taking so many exceptionally wide bucks seems minuscule to me. As @DFS said genetics maybe? I have never seen a buck wider than about 24” in Montana but maybe we just don’t have the genetics. We had some Wisconsin hunters that would stop in at the family ranch and they had a 29” wide buck harvested off their farm but that was like 2 decades ago and of course no saved pics.
I share your concerns. The statistical probability of taking so many exceptionally wide bucks seems minuscule to me. As @DFS said genetics maybe? I have never seen a buck wider than about 24” in Montana but maybe we just don’t have the genetics. We had some Wisconsin hunters that would stop in at the family ranch and they had a 29” wide buck harvested off their farm but that was like 2 decades ago and of course no saved pics.
It’s not genetics it’s habitat