Anyone else crying.......


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Well, its official........America has more stupid people than smart people. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention in High School when the electoral college was explained but all I can say it the voting system is stupid as CHIT........I can only wonder how every person in Colorado, Florida, and Nevada feel wasting their time standing in line to vote, only to hear that the president was re-elected without even knowing where they stood! Unreal. The only voting system that really caters to just some people, where everyones vote DOESN'T count!

:mad: Should be a rough four years ahead!! Guess I'll go take out some frustration on some more Montana animals in 18" of snow this weekend!!
Better first head to the store and buy all the ammo you can. I think people are gonna get crazy again. There won't be a box of bullets to be had for 2 years. Or better yet, get a job in the firearms industry. I suppose a few more manufacturers will start-up in the Flathead.
Gun and ammo sales will be through the roof! I need a 'Red' state to move too....
Yep, its gonna be rough. In many ways. I didn't think he could get re-elected. I guess now we get to see what he wants to pull with Putin and everyone else.
This sucks!!!!

Good thing the sheeple of Colorado decided to legalize Marijuana as well, I'm gonna need it to get through the next 4 years :(
Well, its official........America has more stupid people than smart people. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention in High School when the electoral college was explained but all I can say it the voting system is stupid as CHIT........I can only wonder how every person in Colorado, Florida, and Nevada feel wasting their time standing in line to vote, only to hear that the president was re-elected without even knowing where they stood! Unreal. The only voting system that really caters to just some people, where everyones vote DOESN'T count!

:mad: Should be a rough four years ahead!! Guess I'll go take out some frustration on some more Montana animals in 18" of snow this weekend!!

Sad. The man won and is your president.
1) Established expectation for medical care for all
2) Got us out of the Iraq mess
3) Working to help the middle class get a fair shake.
4) Economy is improving

We are called the UNITED States for a reason and the people have spoken.
i live in cali so my vote never counts. and dukes dad ur an idiot if you really believe what u just wrote
The republican party cannot continue to embrace the tea party who continues to attack the middle class at every turn. If they continue to do so, four years from now the result will be the same.
Sad. The man won and is your president.
1) Established expectation for medical care for all
2) Got us out of the Iraq mess
3) Working to help the middle class get a fair shake.
4) Economy is improving

We are called the UNITED States for a reason and the people have spoken.

Your is sad.

your comment about the people have spoken........actually your wrong, just a few stupid states that somehow have more "pull" than others have spoken. Last I checked, total votes counted had Romney in the lead by over a half million people even after they called it official that Odumba was crowned king again.........How in the hell is that "the people have spoken"...

The Economy must be different where you live in Utardville, glad things are going well for you. Here where I live, the reality is much different and has directly affected mine and my family's well being.
Better first head to the store and buy all the ammo you can

No joke. Two of my kids at school left early to buy ammunition today. As their mom put it, "If Obama wins, there will be a revolution. So, we're gonna get ready."

Now, that is the far, far right...
Maybe I didn't pay enough attention in High School when the electoral college was explained but all I can say it the voting system is stupid as CHIT........I can only wonder how every person in Colorado, Florida, and Nevada feel wasting their time standing in line to vote, only to hear that the president was re-elected without even knowing where they stood! Unreal. The only voting system that really caters to just some people, where everyones vote DOESN'T count!

George Bush won the electoral votes, but lost to Gore in the popular. Electoral votes are earned when a candidate wins the state population majority. When you're watching the election, many figures are PROJECTED, using analysts, statistics, and population demographics. They are using educated guesses to give the electoral votes to the candidates on t.v. So, there is still a possibility to lose a state's electoral vote.
No joke. Two of my kids at school left early to buy ammunition today. As their mom put it, "If Obama wins, there will be a revolution. So, we're gonna get ready."

Now, that is the far, far right...

Yep, every time a demo wins, the firearm and ammo companies rake it in. People are S T U P I D.

Tell your students that there will be no revolution, they need to get off what ever their on.
Last edited: need to re-read his post. He is a teacher, a couple parents let their kids out early from school to buy ammo, because THEY thought there might be a revolution. That is what I took from his post.
@dukes daddy...
Healthcare is at its worst point ever due to this president. Ever since it was introduced, premiums have skyrocketed, businesses are now turning to hiring more "part-time" employees rather than full-time to avoid having to pay benefits. There were around 20 new taxes in that bill as well. But I hope you're happy that myself, being an actual taxpayer, will pay for your healthcare while almost 50% of Americans do not pay any federal income tax at all.

He moved us from Iraq to Afghanistan...congratulations and he also wants to further cut funding for our military across the board. I'm sorry but that's the one part of the budget I feel we should not skimp on. I would prefer those who serve to have everything they need to perform their duty which is to serve and protects this country.

The middle class will suffer the most due to class warfare, I'm glad he gets to decide who makes too much money and take from you so the gov can spread the wealth.last time I checked, poor people don't hire people.

And lastly...the economy is not improving. The GDP is growing at a slower rate for the last 3 years. By the way, when was the last budget passed? Why don't we continue to spend over a trillion dollars a year and see where this country is in 4 more years without fiscal responsibility.

This guy was suppose to come across the isle but he continues to play the blame game, his campaign was just a smear campaign that didn't address any issues or how he would solve them. But I do feel sorry for him getting re-elected, cause he inherited one hell of a mess. NOW WHO IS HE GONNA BLAME?!

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