Anybody seeing rabbits this year?

Just looked out my living room window to see a snowshoe hopping around outside at the edge of my lawn
Past week end at the cabin, temps stayed well below 0. While i did not see any arctic hares, many runs were present, in the fresh snow.
I have them around the farm yard but there isn't many around once you get out and away from the shelter belt and buildings. This is in North Central MT. Around Helena same story. Around the house and yard but not out in the hills. Two of the farm rabbits ended up here. Delicious.

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Wow looking good. Rabbit is my favorite meat!
I took my GD out today for a hike in country I've seen numerous Snowshoe Hares in over the years and got blanked. Heard and saw lots of Ruffed Grouse, but no open season on them now. Once I get the garden in, we'll be swimming in cottontails. They and the whitetails picked us clean last year.
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