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Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

It’s not the way you feel !
It’s the global demand/ it’s the current Biden Administration policy on fossil fuel / it’s the reopening of China and India oil demand/ it’s the OPEC attitude toward Biden to keep prices up/ it’s the Fall and Winter demand and 4th quarter rebound ! Listen to the CEO of Exxon and Chevron of future guidance…….. up up up and away.
You have been talking the past year about China reopening like it’s a Six Flags.

Yes China Reopening in Nov / Dec
Excellent time to add to your positions in Energy XLE and VDE . Japan leading the way currently at 6% growth for second quarter.
China will follow this Fall !
All you guys buying in the dip can thank me for my "awesome luck". I moved a large chunk of money into the market last week... then it dipped. I have been born with a special gift for timing markets... I bought my first house in 2007 and was forced to sell in 2009 due to a job change - took an $80k bath on that one! Fun times!

I dont have the stomach for it. Feels too much like gambling for me because I cant roll the long term dice like you're supposed to. Thank god someone else manages my pension account.
Great Buying Opportunity today. Don’t try to time the markets just put it in and let it ride. Twice I have been lucky before the Haines bottom I was in bonds paying 7% then the Haines bottom I put it all in SPY. Years ago built my wealth on MSFT /Intel and Cisco. Now XLE/VDE/Apple/MSFT and 5.25% Money Market Fund. I would like to add Amazon but not today.
Dips in markets is good time to add to your positions.
"great buying opportunity today" and literally the next sentence "don't try to time the markets..."
I not saying put all your money in at a dip.
If you have a position add to it at dips. I am not a day trader. My core energy holding is Feb 2021 and I have reinvested my great dividends and my tech investment go back many years. My Money Market just recently when rates went up. Apple is India in 2024/2025 and MSFT is the AI currently. XLE and VDE because Biden is in office ! And yes I don’t pay for advice !
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If u didn't invest in 22' u might just chill. Stagflation is a real concern. If the fed isn't printing money we might lose a decade.
I trade full time, but for investing in the ROTH IRA I'm patient till S&P declines 20%.Then I start dollar cost averaging into ETFS, mostly Vanguard. 75% growth (VUG, VGT). 25% value (VTV, VYM, VOOV) And $VOO if u want just S&P purely.Go with mutual funds if u don't trust yourself to not make emotional changes with market movements. I'm in my early forties, so more growth exposure in my portfolio . Closer to retirement u want stable value with big dividends. Safest route is six month treasuries right now until the stock market makes and holds all time highs. Hope this helps someone.
I'm not a financial advisor. But if anyone has genuine questions or concerns about investing, I'd be delighted to share my knowledge to a fellow outdoorsman. What we are taught about economics and finance, and especially what we are sold online is mostly BS!
I'm not a financial advisor. But if anyone has genuine questions or concerns about investing, I'd be delighted to share my knowledge to a fellow outdoorsman. What we are taught about economics and finance, and especially what we are sold online is mostly BS!
My mother sold her condo and moved into assisted living. She has a good pension which pretty well covers the monthly cost of the assisted living place. She netted about 550k from the condo. What does she do with it? I was going to just have her put it in CD's which are running about 5%. The financial guy who does our 401k's recommends she put it in a "bond fund". Says it should make about 6% while remaining totally liquid. Got any better suggestions?
My mother sold her condo and moved into assisted living. She has a good pension which pretty well covers the monthly cost of the assisted living place. She netted about 550k from the condo. What does she do with it? I was going to just have her put it in CD's which are running about 5%. The financial guy who does our 401k's recommends she put it in a "bond fund". Says it should make about 6% while remaining totally liquid. Got any better suggestions?
Don't know if it's better, but I'd put it into the highest paying money market fund that I could find.
Tesla is on a tear today. What is more likely happen by September 30th, the stock continues to run past $300 or it gives back most of what it's gaining today?
My mother sold her condo and moved into assisted living. She has a good pension which pretty well covers the monthly cost of the assisted living place. She netted about 550k from the condo. What does she do with it? I was going to just have her put it in CD's which are running about 5%. The financial guy who does our 401k's recommends she put it in a "bond fund". Says it should make about 6% while remaining totally liquid. Got any better suggestions?
This is a hunting forum, Can you convince her to invest it into a nice little hunting property.

Seriously, You should put it some were low risk and liquid. That pension is going to get pretty small if your mother has to move from assisted living to a nursing home or heaven forbid dementia care.
My mother sold her condo and moved into assisted living. She has a good pension which pretty well covers the monthly cost of the assisted living place. She netted about 550k from the condo. What does she do with it? I was going to just have her put it in CD's which are running about 5%. The financial guy who does our 401k's recommends she put it in a "bond fund". Says it should make about 6% while remaining totally liquid. Got any better suggestions?
I'd be leery of any advisor saying you'll get 6% in a bond fund. He must be selling high-risk junk bonds.
He's not lying, but it's not that simple. Bond funds buying today, will see bonds lose value if they raise the rates. Last I looked such was expected. Buying bonds and CDs directly and holding to term will generate income without loss to speculative buyers and sellers, but then there's taxes.

Beating inflation and taxes while generating real income means luck with stocks or rental real estate. Why didn't she just rent the condo out?