Anybody Been to a Seahawk Game?


Active member
Nov 16, 2016
Missoula, MT
Considering making the drive out from Montana for the Steelers/Seahawk game with some friends in Dec. 31 (mixed group of fans of both teams). Tickets prices are pretty steep. Has anyone been to a Seahawk game and sat in the way upper deck? What was the experience like - can you see the game from way up there? Prices out of my range if you sit much lower.

I've been to a couple. If you're worried about seeing the game well it's better on TV. It's the experience of being there in the crowd that makes it worth it, even from the nosebleed seats. So loud in there!
We went a few years back, our seats were 3 rows from the top on about the 5 yard line. You could see, but not super good due to the distance. The coolest thing was all of the terrible towels flying up there! It was very fun to experience the game in person.
I have. Parking is quite a bit, up to $100 and I did not type that incorrectly. Smart fans that typically do not boo a good though inconvenient call by the referees. If you are not wearing SeaHawk colors then you are better off not entering the stadium or nearby sports bars. That is my advice. They have to have undercover LEO in the stands when the 49er fans roll into town as violence will happen.

I used to work in pro sports and prefer to watch at home these days. I have spent too many afternoons slowly inching forward to get parked for the game and then after the game to spend an hour getting out of the parking area. Everything costs a lot and you have to wait in lines for those beers and dogs. And, for the bathroom. And, hear silly observations by bros trying to impress their dates. Seats are not as wide nor comfortable as I prefer and I am fine flying Southwest so is just a design flaw, in my opinion. Another point is if the game sucks or it starts to rain then you are committed to staying. At home, I am dry and switch the channel to a better game.

Seattle is a great city for food and sightseeing so lots to do before and after the game. There are lots of zombies as is the case in most cities these days so you will be encountering blatant drug use, bad language, mountains of crap and trash, moaning, petty crimes, etc, too so if that is not your jam then I warned you.
If you are not wearing SeaHawk colors then you are better off not entering the stadium or nearby sports bars. That is my advice.
So you are saying it is not safe (or at least potentially not safe) for fans of other teams to attend the game in Seattle? I wondered if that might be the case. Sad commentary on the state of things there.
Ive sat in the nosebleeds almost at the top, as well as the lower uncovered levels a few times, and the hawks nest.

Nosebleeds are covered from the rain but its louder because its covered, and the closer to the top you are, the more of that noise richochets off the concrete behind you. Feels like it boomeranged into the back of my head.

I probably lost more hearing from that game than two seasons of upland bird hunting. IN fact they should call them “earbleed” seats….

When fans (literally short for “fanatics”) get a little boozy, we all know they can get punchy. At least in my experience, the cheaper seats the more “interesting” people you have around you.

The only time I sat in nosebleed at a Seahawks home game, a group of sloshed Seattle fans (young guys in their 20s) were razzing a group of Cardinals fans. Nothing terrible at first, but after about a quarter and a half even other Seattle fans were turning around and telling them to shut up and leave the Cards fans alone.

I’ve not been to an NFL Patriots game at home, but if as a PIT fan you ever went there and survived, you can survive the Seattle passive aggressive vibe and won’t get sucker punched in the bathroom (joking, NE fans).

Plus in Seattle in December it’ll probably be rainy and windy, so with rain poncho hoods on you won’t hear as many people razzing you!
So to recap, I can look forward to terrible traffic, ungodly levels of noise that will leave my eardrums numb for hours afterword, high prices, long lines, crowded bathrooms, narrow uncomfortable seats, urban blight, lousy weather, and possible threats of violence. Did I miss anything? (other than the very real possibility that Pittsburgh will still be playing horribly at that time in the season).

Still I would consider going if the price was right (and the Steelers fire Matt Canada).
So to recap, I can look forward to terrible traffic, ungodly levels of noise that will leave my eardrums numb for hours afterword, high prices, long lines, crowded bathrooms, narrow uncomfortable seats, urban blight, lousy weather, and possible threats of violence. Did I miss anything? (other than the very real possibility that Pittsburgh will still be playing horribly at that time in the season).
Isn't that WHY you go?

If you just wanted to quickly watch a football game stay home. There is no better atmosphere for a home team than Seattle, esp if they're winning. I've never seen a fraction of the violence at a hawks game as you do at most late season HS football games, let of alone the barbarity of college football.
Considering making the drive out from Montana for the Steelers/Seahawk game with some friends in Dec. 31 (mixed group of fans of both teams). Tickets prices are pretty steep. Has anyone been to a Seahawk game and sat in the way upper deck? What was the experience like - can you see the game from way up there? Prices out of my range if you sit much lower.

Yes, I've had 300 level seats that were much better than anticipated. You will have fun.
We attend Sounders games when we are up there - been to many. The stadium is beautiful, modern. Parking is steep, but there are lots of pubs and eateries close by to hang out in after the game till the crowd tapers off, then get an Uber.

Technically, I have been to a Sea Hawks game. My experience was 27 yards wide left.
Can't think of any reason I'd go that shithole. It's bad enough just driving through it.
Been to a few games at Lumen, always enjoyed them. Wife's birthday is Dec 10 so its a road trip to Santa Clara this year for the Hawks at the 49ers. Haven't been to Levi stadium before so?? Tickets were pricey but they all are any more for NFL games, the parking prices though...hoooleeeee sheeeet! :oops: