Any Weatherby fans here?

I picked up a barely used Mark V Accumark in .270 Win about 10 years ago, that a guy had on consignment when the market turned, for $1200 with a Swarovski Habicht 2-10x40. New it had to have run the guy close to $4k

I have never loved the cheek piece of a Weatherby, and it certainly ain't light, but this one is defiantly a shooter. I run Barnes Vortx 130grn TTSX through it.
I have a Weatherby FiberMark in .340 It is an Elk hammer. Bought it used in 1988, and it shot Factory 210 Nosler Partition loads into little bitty groups. After shooting it a bunch, I had it rebarreled when the groups opened up (Rich Reilly at Hi Tech Customs worked his magic- .5 moa rifle again). The best shooting ammo I found after rebarrel was the Barnes 225 TTSX. The Lilja match barrel didn't care much for the factory ammo. 3 more Bulls have fallen to it since the rebarrel.
Wyoming production has started. The Wyoming Sportsmans Group is having their annual banquet next weekend in Gillette and several Wyoming made Weatherby rifles will be given as prizes.
Never owned one but a Fan anyway my Brother shoots a Vanguard in 30-06 and Mark 5’s in 300 Weatherby 300 & 340 Mags.
Fine rifles always thought I should pick up one just never did. Made in Wyoming makes it even better to Me. USA ��
I have two mark x’s an Accumark in 270 wby mag and a deluxe in 300wby mag. They both are great shooters but are too dang heavy and the barrels are too long for my taste. I bought them when I had more money than sense. Dont ask me why I dont sell them because I cant answer that.
I remember a time when they were status rifles. You were considered a serious hunter if you had a Mark V, especially Accumark, Ultra Light, ot Custom Deluxe. As I've previously posted, love the looks and have had 3..... but honestly found them finicky for accuracy if not squeaky clean or w/out expensive Wby brand ammo. To be fair, they were long gone before I began loading.

..still love their lines. Hope they're a huge Wyoming success story.
I have Vanguard S2s in .308 and 6.5 creedmoor. They aren't pretty or interesting, but they shoot better than I do and have kept the freezer full for the past four seasons and put a few more skulls on the shelf.
I have an Accumark in 300 WBY and a 257 WBY in a Ultralight. Both get used a good bit, but the 257 is my favorite rifle. Son has a Vanguard in 257 WBY. All are shooters.
6.5 x300 is on the wish list.
I've got a couple lightweight Mark V's in 257 and 270 Wby and they both shoot lights out. The 257 might be my favorite even though I shoot the 270 more with 140 gr Accubonds

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