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Any Weatherby fans here?

I have a Vanguard 300 Wby that I've taken mule deer, white tail, moose, elk, and antelope with. I struggle to pull anything else from the safe if I'm going on a hunt.
I have three rifles, a custom Mark V 340 and a custom Mark V 270 WM and a 270 Vanguard Deluxe and an Athena III, 12 gauge. Love them all. Have used them all over the western US, BC and Alaska. Great guns that always have done the job. GJ
My Father-in-Law recently inherited a BEEEE-autiful old Wetherby in .300 Weatherby. I'm talking like the old school 1960's beautiful Weatherbys with the curled over monte carlo stock, and a glossy chunk of ebony on the forend. His father was more of a collector of fine things than a hunter, I'd doubt it's even been shot, much less been carried on a hunt. It just sits in his glass front gun case looking pretty now, but he's hinted about his grandson's inheritance, and winked with a sparkle in his eye.
I have a 257 vanguard that I won, killed a wolf with it, also have a 300 wby backcountry killed a couple whitails with it, bought it for elk but have been hunting archery for elk since I bought it.
My ol man gave me a Vanguard sub-moa in .257 weatherby mag as a present when I got out of basic training and AIT. It’s been my favorite rifle ever since. I’ve used it to take lots of whitetails and a few antelope. It’s an absolute tack-driver. It shot the 110gr accu-bonds incredibly well, and I’ve since switched to lead-free and loaded it up with 100gr ttsx’s. Incredible round and incredible rifle.
I've never owned one, but I've been looking at the Mark V's recently. Seems like they've gotten so damn expensive! I did see a used 270 Mark V recently for $550, seemed like a good deal.

A Weatherby MK V for $550 is a great deal if the rifle is in decent shape IMO....go back and buy it.
Weatherby/Howa fan!

I have three Vanguard S2s in .257, .308 and .300 WM, and one 1500 in 25-06.

Next one will be a Howa in in 7mm-08 or 6.5 CM!
Another huge Vanguard fan. Bought one chambered in a 7mm Rem. Mag. in college and have had it for 30 years. It is accurate, reliable and has efficiently taken everything from coyotes to moose. I will have it until I am in the grave. The only gun I use and need!

Also have a Vanguard in 7mm mag. bought it back in early 80's. Beautiful wood & accurate. Use Fed Prem 165 Game Kings off shelf. Tack driver. Have shot deer, elk & moose with it.
Also bought a Vanguard last year when Walmart had them cheap in 243 synthetic. Also is a tack driver with factory ammo.
I have always admired the weatherby wildcats and how he innovated the need for speed haha. Plus the double radius shoulder is a standout and I have always enjoyed the look. I recently came across a Winchester model 70 chambered in 300 wby with a nice wood stock and a muzzle brake. Looked pretty untouched besides the break. Serial number dated the rifle for a manufacturing date of 1986. I couldnt pass it up and it is currently getting pillar blocked and free floated. Once I get it back, I will start load development for some 180 gr Etips. Cant have to many rifles.
Had a Accumark in 300wtby for few years. Shot very well, but was heavy carrying in the mountains. Also heavy when trying to shoot other positions other than off the bench. I traded it in for a christensen in 300 win. Couldn't be happier.
With all of the weatherby fans on here. I have been day dreaming about thete vanguard fristlight. Have any of you used one yet. Its ether 300wby or 300 wm. Dont know which to get.
As far as I can tell the first lite model is a standard synthetic with cerakote, a specially colored version of the normal stock, and the accubrake. If it shoots like my standard synthetic model, it should be really accurate and very reliable. The Howa action is my favorite of the ones I've used. As far as the caliber, I just know Weatherby magnum ammo is too pricey for my budget.
Been a fan for years & lived right near the old Atascadero factory, never owned one but have shot a few.
Always wanted a 30-06 in blond maple....
We have been a fan for awhile got get 2 300wsm 2 223 1 243 1 308 all shoot pretty good. Wish they still made it in the 300wsm would pick up a couple for my boys.
I got a real good deal on a MarkV lite in 257. Absolutely love it. I did replace the trigger with a timney as I could never get it below 3.5# drives tacks with Barnes ttsx 100 gr bullets at 3500 FPS Dropped several deer with it Weatherby brass is pricy but really durable I will try Norma with I believe make weatherby brass when my current supply is done one of the few rifles I have that will shoot the same POI clean bore or fouled
I used to have a left hand Mark V in 300 Weatherby. It was very accurate with 180 Sierra GameKings. At one point in my life I decided I was not going to rifle hunt anymore, so I sold it. I certainly have regretted that decision.
I bought a used .257 Wby Mag in the Mark V Accumark with a muzzle break. I met the seller at a gun range to take if for a test drive before I bought it. At 100 yards it shot low and left using his hand loads. We talked a few minutes and I shot it again but couldn’t see where I hit. So we walked up to the target to see what happened and realized that I had elongated the first bullet hole by 1/8”. Hmmm...must have been a luck shot. We walked back to the bench, chatted for a couple minutes and then I fired it for the 3rd time. Again, we couldn’t see where I hit...and I thought...no way, not again. We walked down to the target to find the 3rd shot had elongated the hole a little bit more! The first three shots were a 3/8” group. And yes, I immediately bought the gun for full price. LOL.

I shot a nice white tail a year ago in Alberta with one shot at 390 yards. It went about 15 yards and dropped. The bullet went through both lungs about an inch from the heart.

The gun is long, heavy, and stupid accurate. I’ll never sell it!

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