Any self-surgeons out there?

I got a rockcod spine under a fingernail back in the day at the fish plant. The thing swelled up like a catchers mit, the whole hand. Got drunk for the pain and went to ER the next day feeling great...LOL.
Dr numbed the hand and said hold steady.
Split the nail open and a geyser of gunk and a hard spine came out.
Golly gosh that felt good.
I’ve removed some ingrown nails, drained plenty of infected things, dozens of injections, cleared up a smashed fingernail a few times, I’ve even given myself a couple IVs.

I am most proud of my superglue stitching. I put my hand back together after an unfortunate run in with a Havalon dressing an elk in Wyoming. A tube of superglue, a role of bandage, and a surgical glove later I was good for 3 more days.

I also buttoned a friend up with super glue and butterfly strips after a machete slip.

My old man stitched me up numerous times with his “livestock kit” as a kid.
Cut my shin with an axe on an elk hunting trip. Gauze and some duct tape fixed her right up. Although I should have shaved my leg before putting the duct tape on. Then again, the hair was gone after I took the tape off, so I guess it all worked out.

Broke my pinky toe and set it myself. Didn't figure there was anything a doctor would do differently, so why bother. The toe is a little uglier than it used to be but functions all right.

Our favorite cutting tool at work was the machete, but the safety people were always trying to take them away from us because they were "too dangerous." So, none of us ever reported nor went to a doctor for machete cuts. Had plenty that probably needed stiches but healed just fine with super glue and tape.
In my late teens early 20s, i had horrible planters warts. Doctors were worthless freezing the off, so I went to a surgeon. He refused because I would lose part of my trigger finger and it may not fix the problem.

I told the surgeon I had ordered scalpels and medical equipment, and was already doing his job myself. He was concerned and called a dermatologist friend who recommended a shot to cure it. Not treat it, CURE!! It worked.

I dont know the name of the shot but it was basically a synthetic bee-sting. Directly injected into only the largest warts and my body instantly started attacking them. In 2 weeks they went from gross and hard, to soft, to gone forever. Ive never had another one after that. Highly recommend anyone with warts look for this shot.
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