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Any self-surgeons out there?

Got to meet him once (assuming you mean Aron Raulston), he was the key-note speaker for an annual meeting for work years ago. Nice guy.

All I could think when he was speaking was “what is this company preparing us for?”😜
I watched the documentary. Pretty intense. mtmuley
Wouldn’t have any fingernails left after a busy deer season when I was the only skinner at my uncle’s processing shop
Oh how I miss those times!!!!
Asked my TKR sawbones if I could have my old knee…he said it wasn’t allowed.

I’ve only ever seen it allowed for specific religious/cultural reasons- Hmong being one, I believe some of them request their parts back to be buried with.

@Pucky Freak, you’re a savage. That actually looks like a pretty good job, just take every infection precaution you can (no doubt you already thought about that).
Dug a Plantar wart out of the ball of my foot with a razor blade once. Fun time. mtmuley
I was 12 miles deep on a coues deer hunt a few years ago and decided to remove a plantar wart that was buried in my heal. I’d been screwing with it for about an hour when my hunting partner walked over and said he could get it. I had dug a good hole with a knife already and he grabbed that thing with a leather man and gave it a solid pull. Got the whole damn thing! I bled like I had been shot and almost pissed myself in pain, but it never came back. Hiking was a little uncomfortable for a bit, but not awful.
I use a sewing needle but yea, definitely wouldn’t do the drill bit technique..
Tried this with a hot safety pin on my pinky nail after smashing it in the door of my friend's bronco right before I graduated high-school, except I was dumb enough to do it the first night of a 3 day drunken camping trip where I got it completely filthy. It got infected, had streaks up my veins and my whole pinky was the size of a big toe. The doctor stabbed it about half inch above the nail with a scalpel and squeezed a bunch of pus out, then laid the blade flat on the nail and stabbed it into my bulbous pinky along the plane of the nail and found a bunch more. Shot in the ass and he said never do that again, just leave it alone!

Since then I have successfully closed a split scalp from kayaking and a nasty gouge to the top of the wrist with steri-strip wound closures and tegaderm that would have needed stitches otherwise, no infections
Tried this with a hot safety pin on my pinky nail after smashing it in the door of my friend's bronco right before I graduated high-school, except I was dumb enough to do it the first night of a 3 day drunken camping trip where I got it completely filthy. It got infected, had streaks up my veins and my whole pinky was the size of a big toe. The doctor stabbed it about half inch above the nail with a scalpel and squeezed a bunch of pus out, then laid the blade flat on the nail and stabbed it into my bulbous pinky along the plane of the nail and found a bunch more. Shot in the ass and he said never do that again, just leave it alone!

Since then I have successfully closed a split scalp from kayaking and a nasty gouge to the top of the wrist with steri-strip wound closures and tegaderm that would have needed stitches otherwise, no infections
Damn! That dude @FREAK coulda used your help in the field last season!!! Hit em with the picture again 🫢
I had one that bugged me every few months for a couple of years. Went in for something else and asked the doc to fix it. They cut a straight line up the nailbed, grabbed it with a pliers, and ripped it out. Then put some acid or something on it so it'll never grow back on that part of the nailbed.

Super satisfying to be done with that constant irritation

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