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Any Opinions on a Spring Black Bear Hunt?

Idaho has reduced bear tags in some areas for NR and you can get 2 of them. The reason for 2 is there's too many of them. I would suggest the Lolo area, unit 12 from Lolo Pass to Syringa. Use baits and you should have a bear on one in a couple of days. Just don't go early, too much snow and the bears will still be hibernating. Lots of wolves, so get those tags, no grizz. May and June are the best months. PM me if you want any advice on how to bait.
Not sure how it is in Idaho / other States though I'd imagine the same...
Utmost interest to identify if cub(s) are present. I've not harvested a bear in some ten years so I do not speak as some HT gurus however, I've had the opportunity to enjoy the hunt with some great guys on HT.
One aspect I've found valuable, most occasions call for observation. Watch the bear for a bit. Plan strategy, etc though IMO most importantly, give the time to view for cubs.
I've lost a couple for watching too long and lost my shooting lanes - my mind frame is set to ID and refrain from insta-boom. Lost two over the past few years due to seeing cub(s) pop out from out of nowhere... Set the rifle down and recorded with the phone. Enjoyable regardless.
Lost two walking old roads. One I watched too long and should have shot and another that was an insta-appear as I (we) meandered back to the truck. Completely unprepared and so unexpected after a decent hillside wandering, talking as we came around the road corner... he scattered.

Anyhow just a quick thought related to bear hunting and again just an avg Joe hunter.
It's always on my mind no matter where I'm at.......
Yes, me to, as it should be. For years I would have scoffed at the notion that one might run in to a grizz in the places you mentioned. But there are more bears now, spreading out....a hop and a skip and one could pop up anywhere over night. I guess with the constant influx of new residents and visitors I would rather promote caution.
Flip side....more bears less people in the woods. Okay by me.
Hey Guys, thanks for all the replies. After much thought we’ve decided on taking our trip out to Montana! It’s probably gonna be somewhere around those ranges you guys have mentioned earlier.
We have another question for you guys, do happen to know how the hunting is during late May to early June in Montana? I will be graduating from High school and it would be a lot easier to plan it after my graduation, which is in the middle of May, and my school has a class trip, along with a couple of my college classes have projects and finals.
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We have another question for you guys, do happen to know how the hunting is during late May to early April in Montana? I will be graduating from High school and it would be a lot easier to plan it after my graduation, which is in the middle of May, and my school has a class trip, along with a couple of my college classes have projects and finals.
Depends on the season and weather, last year was a cold dreary long ass winter that didn't seem to want to end until June. Typically late April into May the action starts to heat up. Things green up bears become more apt to travel and expand after they get their digestion working. Mid May its game time depending on how or where your at quotas will begin to fill quickly so pay attention to that. You could find bears at any time of the day at this time of the season last year we killed a beautiful cinnamon at 230 in the afternoon had her out at 4 and while my buddy was skinning I glassed up another bear across the drainage were had him at 630. Saw 2 others on the way over to him. It sounds like it would be better for you to wait until that time. Late may into June bears disperse throughout the green valleys and become a little more nocturnal as the days get hotter they're not as apt to travel. Not saying your not gonna see em but big boars aren't moving around when it's high noon and 75. Good luck and congrats on the accomplishment!
This year is an exception for weather... It's raining right now and we are in a snow belt of NW MT. The areas you're looking at have to be in the same setting. Bears might peak their heads out a bit earlier this year... (Avg Joe hunter talk, btw)

Grats on your graduation, btw!
I am no expert. But if you could fly to Oregon they had a discount on tags (at least last year) and have a healthy population
I hunted Idaho Unit 1 in 2019. It’s a no bait and no hounds unit. We hunted it for 5 days or so, saw around 5-6 black bears - including two really nice color phase bears - and no grizz. Think ID F&G only estimates there are only circa 30-50 grizz in the entire unit, so the likelihood of crossing paths is pretty slim unless you really get out in the hinterlands.
Hey guys! Thanks for all the replies, but last year we couldn’t go since COVID shut everything down, but this year we are gonna head on out to Montana towards the end of May!

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