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Antihunters set to win!


New member
Jan 22, 2001
San Antonio, Texas, USA
The New Mexico game commission votes on this in Sept. but is seeking public input this summer.
US Sportsman's Alliance web page has who to write to request them to continue to support trapping on public land.

City people have let their pet get trapped and now want to ban trapping and are having an effect.

I got this from the New Mexico forum. NM Game and Fish seeks feedback on their trapping laws. The anti's are pretty organized. The trappers need help. Know of any good trapping study data for letters? Here's the post info. from NM forum started by a trapper/ dog hunter / outfitter there.
Please spread the word to other foroums ect...

I got a postcard from the New Mexico Trappers Association, it reads somthing like this:

"Trapping is being threatened by Environmentalists.

They have submitted a proposal to the NMDG&F to ELIMINATE all trapping on all public lands within NM."

Trapping is not only a way for some people to provide for their families, but it is also a great sport with a long history. Trapping is a very important tool used to keep predator numbers in check. Anyone who likes to hunt any game in NM will suffer if they outlaw trapping on public lands.

Please write or type a short note that says something like this:
"I am in favor of keeping trapping on Public lands in New Mexico" Then date and sign. If you can, join them, or just send a donation to help out. Remember, trapping is the first step to stop all hunting. Next it will be hound hunting, then just hunting in general.

Send it to:
New Mexico Trappers' Association
P.O. 53056
Pinos Altos, NM 88053

Click the Link Below to look at my site.

Apparently the deadline to give feedback to New Mexico game and fish is July 10. They are seeking revision suggestions for trapping laws.

Here is a list of who to contact. It also contains the points the anti trappers are wanting for their point of view.

What are the counter points to thier points?
Here's what Fur Taker's of America says to do. We need some good information on trapping to put in letters to all these people.

It looks like the anti's are much more organized. They offer to transfer the information at thier web page, they give e-mail contacts. We need to get more help for the pro hunting side.

Jeff Lehmer is a taxidermist neighbor of Gilamonster's, a member here. He's current president of the New Mex. Trapper Assoc. the Fur Taker's of America web site says.

Any suggestions for what to put in a letter?

Trapping probably saves quail and turkey but do you know a study to quote in a letter?

Letters can make a difference !

[ 07-12-2004, 10:36: Message edited by: Tom ]
I changed the title on this. It deserves attention and action.

Anybody know good references on the benefits of predator control for other wildlife?

If the anti's stop the traping, there will be a lot less game to hunt. They seem pretty organized on this, their web page offers to distribute letters to everyone involved.

We have until July 10 to send in feedback.

What are some good arguments to send in?
Here's my letter, critique it or use some of it. Any comments?


Dear Chief Kirkpatrick,

I want to ask you to support the continued use of traps and snares on public land for predator control. is a 2001 symposium on predator control.

I have ranching friends that would be driven out of cattle and sheep business if it were not for predator control going on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Before they have had predator control, they lost many cattle and sheep annually. After they implemented predator control, they lost very few annually. Research supports these direct experiences of ranchers that I know. (see the symposium above for example)

Their are reports, in the symposium, for example, that wildlife that humans can and do pay to consume are also consumed by the predators, who do not pay anyone. Deer fawn crops take a huge toll to predators. The results of stopping predator control would be devastating to our wild deer and elk herds. The loss of these valuable wildlife, would be a disaster for our federal and state public lands and the state of New Mexico and to all citizens of the United States, in fact.

If you were to stop predator control, how would you replace the lost livestock and wildlife resources that the predators eat? How would you replace the millions of dollars of public and private income that these livestock and wildlife generate?

Please support continued use of predator control on our public lands to protect our country's valuable public resources that we have worked so hard to preserve since the times of Teddy Roosevelt. We did not spend all this time, effort and money to give these resources to predators.

No one will pay for the future losses should predator control be stopped.

Respectfully yours,

Tom Prihoda, PhD

P.S. I have copied my comments as remarked below, as they have said they will forward them to others in the game department.

"Please also send your comments along with your name and address to [email protected] and [email protected]. Your comments will be passed on to the Director of the Game Department and each of the seven Fish and Game Commissioners." from

I have a contact ;) who knows and hunts with one of the commisioners. I emailed him to ask what the commissioner thinks of this and it's chance of passing. I will tell you Richardson appointed a lady from the WWF and a Leader from one of the Pueblos to represent the wildlife of NM. They are already affecting the bear hunting in this state. When my dad gets back to me I will let you know where this stands. Personally I think its not gonna go anywhere.
Check GOAL in Massachussetts. If I'm not mistaken they have the study results from our trapping ban, and the costs of TRYING to control an unfettered beaver population, as well as yotes. Let me know if you can't find it and I'll make some calls.

People should write some e-mails, its easy. If we don't the anti's will rally. If we do, they might quite down some.

The mountain lion ban has ruined hunting in CA from what I've heard. This is the same thing being proposed in New Mexico. Let the predators have the deer, the cattle, the sheep, etc. What a waste!

Please send an e-mail saying to support continued trapping of predators to protect our wildlive and livestock.
Tom, check out this site:

The goal of the Furbearer Resources Technical Work Group is to maintain the regulated use of traps. We believe trapping is a safe, efficient, and acceptable means of managing and harvesting wildlife. Trapping provides benefits to the public, while ensuring the welfare of wildlife populations and individual animals captured during regulated harvests.

In 1996, the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA) began a program to develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) for trapping wildlife in the United States. BMPs improve an activity by developing recommendations based on sound scientific information while maintaining practicability.

Once completed, the BMPs for trapping furbearers will be provided to state agencies and trappers for incorporation into trapper education and wildlife management programs. In addition to improving wildlife management in the United States, the research and resulting BMPs may be used by other countries to improve their programs. BMPs will also be used by the United States to address international commitments to identify and promote the use of humane traps and trapping methods for capturing wildlife.
Good deal your jumping on this Tom, there are a lot that won't... Then whine about it when the hammer falls..
8 days left to put your word in to stop giving away the wildlife to predators. livestock too. Support trapping! Any critiques here?
I hope you have posted this on the Texas based forums as well. As an out-of-stater my voice only carries a whisper. Especially from a state that has PASSED an anti-trapping bill along with bear hunting with hounds. Now we are faced with the reality that MORE of our hunting license fee goes directly to supporting this insanity. You see the beavers don't seem to care where or what they flood out for land so the DEP(paid entirely with license fees) has the responsibility of TRAPPING them. This year, more bear/human conflicts have been reported than in a five year average while we had hound hunting.

Yes, I posted in on a Texas forum, some wrote. You could say an out of stater pays $1500 for an oryx tag and an New Mexico resident pays $100 in you letter. You could say its federal land. This ia a way to stop hunting and hunters are letting it happen.

Do you want to give the wildlife to the predators?

Write a letter, to support continued use of trapping predators. The predators get livestock too, then tax dollars go to pay a rancher for the loss. We'll all be vegetarians, if we give all the young animals to the predators.

The predator eats the young, its not inhumane to kill it, to stop that, is it?
I think you misunderstood. I have already sent letters to both house and senate, state and fed.
on this issue.
You might also consider contacting TRCP to see if they can help.

Great, get some more people to write to these New Mexico people that want feedback for their immenent decision. Look at this, here's another guy to send a copy too besides the person asking for feedback, send them something by July 10.

A New Mexico friend just sent this:
"I just got off the phone with the sec. of the New Mexico Trappers Association, John Wondzel. He said we should email Bill Dunn at [email protected] He said the anti's have sent him over 200 letters and the trppers have sent only 22. We need to get this number up!"

Anti's 200

Hunter's 22

Come one people, do you want to give the wildlife babies to the predators??

Send an e-mail to support continued trapping of predators, so the baby wildlife and livestock does not get eaten up.

HERE GOES THE FUTURE OF HUNTING !! JULY 10th is the deadline, send a note to these people.

Continue support for trapping to kill predators, don't let them eat the baby wildlife and livestock and take away tax dollars and enjoyment of the outdoors too. That's the kind of note we need.
Just an humble observation on my part, but we never had these issues with the anti's in my state until the Hollywood crowd bought up Santa Fe, Taos, and the areas around Red River and Eagle Nest. Bill Richardson is a mealy mouthed politician at the best, jumping sides of the fence so often that I'm surprised that he hasn't ripped his pants. The Hollywood crowd is basically a bunch of antis and may well bet they have Richardson and other officials in their pockets. Money is used to grease the wheels of government in whatever way you wish it to swing.

New Mexico is becoming a very difficult state to draw a tag in unless you are an non-resident. Non-residents pay a much higher tag fee, so guess who gets preferential treatment?

You're going to whine a lot more, if you and your friends don't send some letters to these people to continue supporting tapping ASAP.

July 10 is just a few days away, do it now, everybody, please!
Here's some good info. for a letter. is one pretty good study to help you decide.

An actuall study in New Mexico from 1976 to 1981 at Fort Bayond showed 55% of deer population loss was due to predation with coyotes getting 35%. In just fawns 65% were lost to predation within 25 days of life, with 35% due to coyotes.

That's pretty clear, you stop trapping for coyotes and other predators, you kill the deer.
Use that in your letter.
Hey, are any of you sorry sons of bitches going to write to defend hunting/trapping and livestock on public land?

Please send a note to ask the Game Commissions, the biologist in charge of furbearers, and four area game managers to continue support for trapping on public land. There are additional game commissioners with physical mailing addresses listed at the New Mexico game and fish site.

[email protected] Biologist in charge of furbearers.
[email protected] Game manager.
[email protected] Commissioner Henderson
[email protected] Commissioner Hobbs
[email protected] Game manager.
[email protected] Game manager.
[email protected] Game manager.

Here is a reference and a study to show that most deer are killed by predators now, 90% of fawns at an average age of 25 days.
Similar data is relevant for other wildlife and livestock including pronghorns, elk, quail, cows, and sheep. These death rates due to predation would be much higher if trapping were stopped and this would be a disaster for New Mexico sportsman and citizens.

The reference web site:

p56-57. "New Mexico. Temple(1982) summarized deer mortality research in New Mexico conducted during 1976 through 1981. ... and 55% of mortality was due to predation. Deaths were attributed to coyotes (37.5%), mountain lions (25%), dogs (12.5%), unknown predators (12.5%), felids (6.3%) and unknown canids (6.3%). Of ... fawns ..., 72% died within an average of 25 days following birth. Predation accounted for 90% of mortalities. Causes of death were attributed to coyotes (35%), unknown canids (31%), unknown predators (23%), mountain lions (8%), and bears (4%)."

"Temple, L. 1982. Mule deer research. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Federal Aid Project, New Mexico W-124-R-5/Job 2. Final Report. Sante Fe, New Mexico."

If the antihunting proposal to stop trapping succeeds, that type of hunting/trapping will be banned, and many wildlife animals will be killed by predators. Livestock will also suffer and incomes will be lost for individuals, the state, and the benefit of wildlife.

I've had ranchers tell me their bussiness was saved by trappers, but they need to trap a lot, they need all the methods they can get.

There's a bunch of 60 year old ladies in Sante Fe who sit and write letters. We need some letters from hunters!

This is anti hunting succeeding right in front of your eyes.

Do something!!
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