Hey Sturge:
Nope, not NM again this year. Though we had a GREAT hunt there last year, work/time constraints & money (or lack of it...) kept that 'out of state' tag from happening this year. I'm hoping to target another NM junior hunt for both boys next fall though! My little girl is also turning 10 in May
, so I will hopefully be in for a VERY busy fall next year!
Both boys got the 6A junior cow hunt and the Kiabab junior doe hunt this year. No horns involved, but it's always a good time with the kids either way!I've got the 36A early-late coues hunt - 1st weekend in Dec.
How about you? Any other tags for you and/or yours?
Normally, I would wish you and the boys good luck, but you guys don't need it!! Have fun and I look forward to the pics!!!!!!