Antelope...Lets See Them!!!

My last 5 years worth of archery antelope tags in Montana, all spot and stalk. I was solo on all these hunts so I apologize for the crummy pics.

2019, Valley County

2018, Beaverhead County, officially scored at 78 0/8 net.

2017, Beaverhead County

2016, Beaverhead County, shot on August 15th opener

2015, Beaverhead County

Nothing wrong w/ those pics, congrats!!!!
This was one tough bugger.

426 yards. I hit him back, entering the left hip and exiting near the right ribs. He dropped but was still holding himself up.

I shot three more times, hitting him once in the neck, and once at the base of the right horn. He was still alive when i got up to him and had to finish him off with my pistol.

He was up in a nasty rock pile. 600 plus yards to the truck.

My 15 year old daughterhelped me quarter him. My wife, 5 year old daughter and dad were all with me as well.
