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Another unfortunate landowner clash

I feel bad for the guy. It would be a real shame to own a slice of the Black Hills that holds such desirable habitat that elk, deer, sheep and antelope are all attracted to the place. Man... what a burden.
Wildlife was there long before he was and will be there long after he's gone. He's 63. As bad as it sounds they just have to put up with him another 20, maybe 30, years. LOL

I don't feel sorry for the grumpy old man. I'd happily swap him properties for my couple lots here in small-town Oklahoma where all I see is a few rabbits in the yard every night. They don't eat much.
I fell real bad for him, that's horrible how the game and fish offered to build a fence to keep wildlife out so he wouldn't have problems, then when he decided he wanted problems they offered to improve his fence so it wouldn't be torn up as bad, but as we all know aluminum attracts lightning not steel though it doesn't attract it at all. Sounds like he wants his way or the highway. I'm just saying 30k is a lot of money for wildlife damage. We all want cake and to be able to eat it to.
His pursuit of happiness may be farming as he sees fit. Much respect for that. But he also needs to be a good neighbor and American. He's failing in that regard.
he is upset that the USFS wont " compromise " to his demands, yet threatens to " shoot bighorn sheep on his land, or round them up in a corral and demand a GF&P trailer to haul them away, or bring domestic sheep onto his land that could spread fatal pneumonia to the bighorns."

Screw that guy.
He doesn't want to do any compromising and is just a plain old Dick! The day he shoots any of those sheep is the day he ought to be locked up and the key thrown away!
He doesn't want to do any compromising and is just a plain old Dick! The day he shoots any of those sheep is the day he ought to be locked up and the key thrown away!

I agree, this guy obviously hates wild sheep, deer, elk etc. so right back at ya you SOB...
Watch...he'll become a domestic sheep rancher in the near future. He must be holding out for more...like maybe offered a RFW sheep tag that he is allowed to sell each year? If he was truly worried about the things mentioned in the article, then it sounds like the F&G have offered up solutions.

Hope he can find peace and be happy with the piece of heaven he owns. He's a very lucky fellow.
so I totally get where the above comments are coming from, and it's a pretty easy thing to bash this guy since we all love to see big game, but I can understand where this guy is coming from, I think he's an ornery old guy, but I get it. I wouldn't be too happy if the game and fish reintroduced something that cost me money either.

He is standing on the principle of this “They’re not managing the wildlife,” Stearns said. “They want to manage the landowners.”
His pursuit of happiness may be farming as he sees fit. Much respect for that. But he also needs to be a good neighbor and American. He's failing in that regard.

What is their to respect? Sounds like he's a wannabe hobby farmer/rancher at best. I'd love to see the state chase all the wildlife off his piece with a helicopter and high fence the whole thing.
so I totally get where the above comments are coming from, and it's a pretty easy thing to bash this guy since we all love to see big game, but I can understand where this guy is coming from, I think he's an ornery old guy, but I get it. I wouldn't be too happy if the game and fish reintroduced something that cost me money either.

He is standing on the principle of this “They’re not managing the wildlife,” Stearns said. “They want to manage the landowners.”

I tend to agree, but sense he is refusing to accept compensation for the damage I believe there is an underlying issue that this landowner has. I really feel bad for both sides, but the landowner seems to be completely unreasonable in his demands.
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This guy is a real a**hole. He's heard about what the sheep auction tags go for and he wants a big piece of the action. Its called extortion, I believe. GJ
This rancher is the reason I refuse to hunt private property unless it's enrolled in block management. On public ground I never have to worry that a landowner might get a wild hair for any number of reasons and tell me to get the hell off his property that on a previous day he allowed me access to. Just not worth it to me, I'll stay the hell out of their way and hopefully they'll stay out of mine when I'm on legally accessible public land. Can't tell you how much more relaxing it is to hunt where I want, when I want, and for as long as I want even if in some instances I'm hunting a more crowded area with fewer quality animals.
Was handed down the land by his dad, never paid a dime on it but tax, the state tried to pay over $30G in damages but apparently he believes his alfalfa that he grows in the hills in worth more than that. I guarantee those sheep make the state more money in hunting apps and tourist money than this guy makes in a year being a rancher.
Lol..."A grandfather of Stearns was among the settlers at Elk Mountain. There were no bighorn sheep there at the time, according to Stearns, who does not believe that the animals are native to the area."
I would love to hear him expand on this theory.