Caribou Gear

Another Spanking for Ithaca's Man

Joe it is because our politicians are looking for a job rather than running to serve. Anyone who wants to serve will relegate their fate to the will of those served. Job hunters on the other hand will always guide the resume toward what they think you want to hear. That is why I fully support all of governmental positions being designated by drawing lots; and before anyone asks; "YES" I am totally serious. YH Bush doesn't follow Cheney's advice. n If he would listen more closely to Cheney, he wouldn't be in Iraq without U N support.
Bush is Carl Rove`s "puppet" I`m C.J. and i approved this message!

Kerry has voted with gun control advocates 100% of the time.

It gets better

Has anyone else noticed that Kerry almost always mentions hunters Rights right after he mentions the Second Amendment? The Second Amendment doesn't say shit about hunting nor is it about hunting.
Well you know MarS, a lot of guys in Nam lost their lives, a leg, an arm, etc. Kerry lost his self will, his balls, and his freakin' mind!
Well give Ithaca some credit, at least he is "Loyal" and is standing by Howard Dean. I have "lost" my loyalty to G.W. Bush and most/not all of the republicans. It hurts alot worse to get stabbed in the back by someone who you thought you could trust[bush], then by the enemy.
Now YH you can't fault a man for avoiding not evading the war legally.
Does make me sick though that exemptions were granted for college kids. Kind of put the whole damned thing on the backs of the poor kids, and those who weren't sharp enough to take advantage of the loop holes. Not really fair and equitable.
(Then there those like me who just didn't know any better than to enlist!)
Where ya gonna find a Democrat with a better stand on guns than Dean?

Here is what Howard Dean has to say on the subject:

"I come from a rural state with a very low homicide state and no gun control other than the federal laws. I know that states like California and New Jersey want more gun control than that. I believe that they should be allowed to pass what gun controls they think they need, but that it is unreasonable to apply laws that may be necessary in California to rural states like Montana or Vermont."-Source: Concord Monitor / on-line Q&A Nov 6, 2003

"let the states decide for themselves what if any gun control laws they want."-Source: Campaign web site,, "On the Issues" Nov 30, 2002

Dean brags that he has an A rating from the National Rifle Association. Dean favors the existing federal gun-control laws but believes that any further gun control is best left to individual states. -Source: Charles P. Pierce, Boston Globe Nov 24, 2002
Here's a little more:

"If I thought gun control would save lives in Vermont, I would support it. If you say "gun control" in Vermont or Tennessee, people think you want to take away their hunting rifle. If you say "gun control" New York or L.A., people are happy to see Uzi's or illegal handguns taken off the streets. I think Vermont ought to be able to have a different set of laws than California. Let's keep and enforce the federal gun laws we have, close the gun show loophole using Insta-check, and then let the states decide for themselves what if any gun control laws they want. We need to get guns off the national radar screen if Democrats are ever going to win again in the South and the West. Just as we resist attempts by President Bush to dictate to the states how we run our school systems and what kind of welfare programs to have, we need to resist attempts to tell states how to deal with guns beyond existing Federal law."
Source: Campaign web site,, "On the Issues" Nov 30, 2002
If gun control were the only or most important issue or trait for electing a president we would have elected John Wayne; Pilgrim!
Pawclaws said: "Does make me sick though that exemptions were granted for college kids. Kind of put the whole damned thing on the backs of the poor kids, and those who weren't sharp enough to take advantage of the loop holes. Not really fair and equitable"

I see a couple problems with that statement. You failed to include a whole list of Republicans who are more than willing to let the "poor kids, and the unsharp" now fight their war in Iraq, while they gladly stepped aside during "their war" in vietnam.

You know Bush Jr., Rush Limbaugh, Wolfowitz, Clarance Thomas, Ken Starr, Bill Bennet, Pat Buchanan, Dick Cheney, Tom Delay, Judd Gregg, Karl Rove, Rumsfeld....the list goes on an on.

What makes me sick is that the reasons for these people not making the trip to the "frog pond" ranged from ACNE, to KNEE troubles to the Student deferments you hate to the classic Cheney response: "I had other priorities".

I guess its A-Ok though if your influential father gets you a nice cushy Guard job for you that your AWOL from most of the time...but I hate those student deferment war dodgers.

Oh, and raking Kerry over the coals for actually SERVING his country, while your heroic list of republicans above let the "poor kids" fight for them in nam, and now again in Iraq, seems a little hypocritical....dont you think???

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-01-2004 09:01: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
"Kerry has voted to cut subsidies for federal timber sales; fought Bush´s Healthy Forests initiative; favored President Clinton´s roadless plan; wants mining companies to pay royalties on the minerals they extract; opposes snowmobiling in Yellowstone; seeks a ban on packer ownership of livestock and limits on confined animal feeding; and supports cutting federal subsidies to the biggest farms......"
Buzz H; the kids in Vietnam for the most part were forced to be there. The kids in Iraq, volunteered! You seem to keep losing sight of that fact. Kerry served and then decided to change his mind about what he believed; twice; depending on who was interviewing him. At least Jane Fonda retained the same story!! Like I said, I don't fault anyone for legally avoiding service if that happens to be their choice. Kerry's Vietnam service doesn't grant him Veteran's preference for this particular job Bubba. If the boy were a far right Christian Republican he would still be a wishy washy incompetent jerk. Actually he is worse than that because he simply wants the job so bad that he will tell you any lie he thinks you want to hear. Don't you think we have had enough of those in public office?
Pawclaws, I'd say anyone that actually spent time in 'nam is sure enough entitled to ANY opinion of the war they may have...including the right to change their mind.

While I'm not a fan of Kerry, I sure dont hold his beliefs in a war he fought in as a quantitative approach to qualify/disqualify him as a presidential candidate.

If that was the case, who'd ever vote for the draft dodger in the white house now???
Oh sorry then Buzz; thought maybe you might be prone to cast your vote because of the color of a man's uniform. No Bush is no war hero nor are any of the condidates running this term. My point concerning Kerry is his ; let's say, adaptability!
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