Another Spanking for Ithaca's Man


New member
Oct 11, 2003
T Falls, MT
When is Dean going to throw in the towel. The Southern Boys are going to just love him to death.

I read that Dean never intended to run to win, he just wanted to get a bunch of views on his pet projects (health care and education) out in the media.

Now that he's a contender its kind of scary. Youd have to be an idiot to think Dean has a chance against Bush.
R. D.,

That Dean is getting the kind of support he is getting, is a good indicator of how far left a large segment of the Democrat party is. His message plays well with these people, whether Dean actually believes the garbage he is promoting or not. I think the main stream Demos have finally come to there senses and realize that electing Dean could be the end of their party. He's toast. Ithaca's the only supporter for Dean that I have heard of, period. That says something!

Give Dean some credit however, he didn't use the Crazy Man speach again last night.

Hey guy`s lets give "dizzy Dean" some credit. I added his "rebel yell scream" to the end of my varmit call, it`s got to call in something.
BHR, Ya know, I really try hard to ignore idiots, but I can't let this one pass.

Here's what you said, "Ithaca's the only supporter for Dean that I have heard of, period. That says something!"

It sure does! It says you must be pretty stupid.

Ever hear of any of these people?

"Former Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley (search) endorsed Howard Dean (search) on Monday, giving the former Vermont governor another boost in the Democratic race for president"

"Senator Tom Harkin endorsed Howard Dean for president today....."

Want more?

Remember, this isn't about what you think of these endorsers-----it's about whether you ever heard of them. I suppose you never heard of Gore, either.

I admit, 'Ol Howard has been a disappointment, but he was a long shot anyway. And I had to support a candidate from my own state. It's been a long time since the last Vermont President. However, there's still a long way to go and a lot could happen in the next few months.

But this post is about whether or not BHR ever heard of any Dean supporters. He claims he never has. Does anyone think BHR has anything besides shit for brains?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-28-2004 22:22: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>

Are you getting "snippy" with me? I've heard of these guys. I guess I should clarified, know personally (or at least from Hunt Talk). You know, real people, not a bunch of elitist politicians and Hollywood actors. Sorry! Speaking of Gore, what's happened to him. He's been laying pretty low after endorsing Dean. Maybe he is second guessing his decision?

Maybe Dean's new campaign manager can revive his campaign. Never know, anythings possible.

But if not, I think there's a good future for Dean in manufacturing and marketing the new YoteBuster3!


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-29-2004 09:17: Message edited by: BHR ]</font>
The recent primary and caucus activity has shown that there is a significant portion of the population that is less than thrilled with Bush. Therefore, the Democratic candidate, whoever he is, has a real chance of winning.

So, would you rather have Kerry, who is about as far left as one can get, or Dean, who at least supports gun ownership rights?

Given the choice between Dean or Kerry, I'll take Bush. How about Edwards or Lieberman?

I hope Lieberman gets the nomination for one reason and one reason only. A live televised debate between 'Jomentum' and GW would be some of the most comical stuff I'd have seen!
For people successful in getting elected they are two of the worse public speakers.
Now you can 1-Click your way to the Presidency at! Contribute to any of the candidates by visiting here and clicking away! I think I'll donate to Dean, because his picture makes him look like a lounge singer. Or maybe that Hamburg fellow because he looks like somebody you'd run into at WalMart in the sporting goods department.

The fact that Kerry is doing so well just goes to show how gullible some people are. His obviously put-on "good ole boy" routine is so transparent as to be laughable. And the next time I see one of those guys wearing his newly-bought designer wingshooting outfit and holding someone else's shotgun I think I'll vomit.
Dgibson, i think ive seen Bush in that same outfit.

please let lieberman get taken hostage or something. I cant stand listening to him drone!
Are you asking me if I like Edwards or Leiberman.. or if I think either of them can beat Bush? Whether either of them can beat Bush depends on just how big the 'Anybody but Bush' crowd is. I'm almost in the 'Anybody but Bush' group; I wouldn't vote for Kerry. But, against Bush, I'd probably vote for any of the other 'serious' (Sharpton and Kasinich (sp?) aren't serious) candidates.
This reminds me of a funny skit on Saturday Night live awhile ago. First Bush was in a hardhat and jeans at a construction site, then he was in his flight suit on an aircraft carrier, then he was giving a speech on healthcare at a retirement home and he had grey hair, spectaclem, and a walker, then at the lighting of the white house tree he was dressed as Jesus, then at a specch to NASA he was dressed as Sock from Star Trek. Pretty funny.

Dgibson, do you have proof that Kerry is anti-gunrights? Or do you just assume all democrats want your guns?
I don't remember saying that I thought Kerry was anti-gun, nor did I say he was anti-hunting. I did say he was TRANSPARENT.
Rocky watch Kerry more closely and you will discover that his views change to suit the audience addressed. I have never seen such a mealy mouthed wishy washy dirty no good son of a ***** since Mr Gore, Mr Clinton, and MRs Clinton. Anyone who doesn't have the courage to state thier own opinions or beliefs either don't have any, or don't want you to know what they are. In either case that type of individual has no place in leadership or government. Since Dean has lost his everlovin' mind the only worthwhile candidate running for Democratic nomination at present would have have to be Sharpton; and he is a flippin' nut; but I believe an honest one.
I listened to John Kerry showboat for about 10 minutes on the tube and after the first minute, all I could think of was how enjoyable it would be to beat him within an inch of his life with a piece of metal pipe.

What a jackass.

It's a shame that so few politicians are barely worthy of the air they breath, much less the important resposibilites they have.
I'm totally onboard with you on this one, my friend- any politician that doesn't have his own opinion isn't worth a damn. That's what I like about Bush- he's got his own opinion on everything. It's just a shame his opinion is given to him by Cheney and Big Business, and it's invariably wrong...
I must be naive or mildly retarded or something. Why can't we have elections without the bullshit, without the mudsling and without the candidates on ALL sides lying to us? Just tell me what you REALLY think about an issue and let me vote accordingly.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-29-2004 16:19: Message edited by: jmehler ]</font>

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