Another one for the books

Congrats on the ram, IL. Great looking sheep. I'd like a crack at a caribou like that someday as well.
Monster ram Larry... Biggest I've see on the hoof.

Don't be fooled I couldn't have done this hunt without my Sitka glove liners, or my Walmart Remington fleece hat. This thing will soon have a dedicated memorial for all the dead animals she's been a part of...


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Great stories and pics. We are ALL envious for about a million different reasons. Quality hunt and adventure.
Well done guys! You are making the most of Alaska for sure.

Bambi, what's the verdict on the Kifaru pack?
Indian Larry, great ram and pics! AWESOME and congrats again!
That sheep is super cool, I really like it has a nice character to the horns IMO.
Super story guys! You realize I hate both of you a little more now. ;)

Bambi- This year's sheep hunting partner isn't as easy on the eyes as last years.
Its a bit tricky and usually there is some argument between hunters/biologists it seems. My experience is I usually short them a year.

In Alaska a ram is legal if he's 8-yo, or full curl one side, or broomed on both sides. Some people count rings, but I'm not that brave. I prefer to not chance it and make sure the ram I'm looking at is legal by curl or broomed. About 10% of the rams killed ever year are ceased. I would imagine that another 10% or more are shot thinking they're full curl, yet turn out to be 8yo and are then legal. Doubt many would admit it though. Saw a guy with a 7yo 7/8 curl ram, that he was convinced it was 8... pretty sure the F&G owns it now.

Rings get progressively smaller as a ram ages. Mines missing the "lamb" tips and is broomed about the second year of growth. He also has a ring just below the hair line.

If Larry puts his sheep up, you can see a perfect "false" annuli, but its easy to rule out because its in an odd segregation point, and not progressively smaller segment, yet is very distinct ring, goes completely around.

It seems that aging is a bit subjective, especially on older animals where rings get really close.

One trick to determine an actual age ring, is the horn changes angle at a growth ring, where as false annuli grow in a concentric circle.

Here's a couple from last year to look at.

Thank you for a great explanation!

Congrats again on the hunt! Someday!!
No tent pops?

I thought Indian Larry was a renowned guide who only wore the best camo clothing available to hunters?

Sounds like you boys should have been using a bow, 40 yards...............
No tent pops?

I thought Indian Larry was a renowned guide who only wore the best camo clothing available to hunters?

No tent pops this trip. new rule of no ammo in the tent really helped.

we were testing out the new tourist camo. sheep have 10x vision (learned from alaska out door directory) and when they see the patagonia and rei labels they dont think your a hunter. The sheep have learned that ghostly figure with bright shinny bang sticks in there hands are bad new.
Really great animals and sounds like a grueling hunt. Congrats to you both.
Congrats Bambi and Indian Larry on an awesome hunt.

IL, I'm curious what F&G aged your sheep at? My sheep judging experience is very limited and am always looking to learn. I have to stop chasing caribou one of these days and focus on sheep!


What a great pair of rams! Great write up and you're correct in saying "another one in the books"! Congratulations.
Congrats Bambi and Indian Larry on an awesome hunt.

IL, I'm curious what F&G aged your sheep at? My sheep judging experience is very limited and am always looking to learn. I have to stop chasing caribou one of these days and focus on sheep!



How old do you think he is.

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