Another new guy


New member
Jul 19, 2009
Just saying hey Love the Program its cool to watch.Down Ga. way here but go out to Co. every yr. for the annual elk duel.
Got one ? I can't upload my pic beside my handle says upload failed each time Any suggestions other than get a little computer smarts LOL!!
Welcome to Huntalk Treemutt.

The only suggestion I have for your profile pic is to make sure it is both 100x100 pixels and under 64kb in size. If you have the pic on a photo hosting site like photobucket, you should be able to click on the "Edit" function beneath your picture and adjust the vertical and horizontal pixel size. When you do this every pic I've resized is under 64kb.

If the pic is on your computer, open it with a photo editing program and there should be some relatively easy tools to resize the photo. Remember to save your edited photo with a different name as to not write over your original.

Welcome. Glad you like the show.

To uplaod a pic, do what Smalls has said, but make sure you are doing it in the avatar section of the User CP (Control Panel). Or, email me the pic, and I will add it to your avatar.
Welcome Treemutt! I was down at Houston, Tx this weekend and they were talking up the Bear Show Randy did, so the Legend of the "Killin for a livin CPA" grows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John:D
Thanks guys I'll try to resize the image.Randy if I can't figure it out I might just email it to ya.Thanks again.
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