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Another hog!


New member
Jan 22, 2001
San Antonio, Texas, USA
He's a pretty big boar. That's him and me, eye to eye. He got in my trap last night that is set up at my friends place.


My friend shot him with his 357 and we got him out of the trap.


Then we took him to the meat processor. Here he is with me, the hog trapper, eh.

I'm a little over 6 ft and few bisquits short of 200 lbs and there he is, his full body hanging.


Pretty cool, my friend and I have gotten hogs at his place before. This one is pretty big to get in a trap, I think.

We're getting pork chops, roasts, ribs, and ground meat made up and I'm back to finish work today now. His daughter found him in the trap and called us at work. Not a bad way to get some good meat, what a deal! My trap works!! We set it again too.
We trapped another one yesterday.


He's not as big as the one a couple of weeks ago, but he'll make great pork chops, ham steaks, roasts, and ribs!


This trapping hogs is going pretty good! I sat in a tree ladder and saw another one yesterday evening. They are coming in now!
The trap is working when we're not. We have a tree ladder set up nearby for hunting there too. Some days, we leave early, to go get a hog out of the trap, it beats going shopping in the grocery store, except for watching women while you do it. They're definitely better eating than trapping raccoons or something like that, so it beats other trapping, in my book, too. Plus, I've been told by a heart disease research expert here at work, that hog meat, especially, this low fat, wild variety, is less atherogenic (no heart disease) than even chicken meat, so it is desireable meat for health, as well as, taste. I should get more detail from him on that, see exactly what data its based on, but he did tell me that.

Here's hog #3 for the trap! Got him last week.


[ 04-26-2004, 10:01: Message edited by: Tom ]

is the skull from that first hog pictured. Its pretty flat, like a Russian hog. There were some of those released near where he was trapped back in the '40s. I'm going to do some skull measurements and classify him. He'll come out close to Russian, feral, domestic or a cross based on the measurements. He's got pretty good teeth, so he can't be to old, its fun to age them too, based on that.
He came out hybrid, by the Mayer and Brisbin classification method. He's got a flat skull like a Russian or Eurasion, but its not long enough, to get him into that class basically, based on skull measurements. He's definitely more hybrid than he is feral hog though by that method.

He's older than I thought, all 6 teeth on the bottom row are well erupted, but just starting to wear, so I guess he's between 5 and 6 years old.
i.e. by texasboars.com tooth aging link.

The 4th one in the trap might be bigger, he had a bigger body by 100 lbs, so did the one I hunted and shot, it was a bigger body than this one by around 70 lbs. I did some hog hunting this spring!
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