Another big lion

Dec 22, 2000
Pecos, NM, USA

Here is a photo of a cat I treed yesterday (12-27-00). We had a great snow storm here on Christmas and the day after. It was a perfect day for lion hunting and fortunately we had great luck. I found the track around 10:30 AM and we had him treed by 11:30. A very easy chase compared to most. This is a big tom that weighed 165 live weight. He measures 7'-3" from nose to tail and I fully expect him to make the book. My dogs worked great and I am very proud of them. Stay tuned for pictures and stories of other cats and bears as soon as I get them scanned.

Hey B'cat, is this the way hounds are supposed to act at the tree??

[This message has been edited by Bear Creek Adventures (edited 12-28-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Bear Creek Adventures (edited 12-28-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Bear Creek Adventures (edited 01-04-2001).]

Here is one of my females at the tree.

[This message has been edited by Bear Creek Adventures (edited 12-28-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Bear Creek Adventures (edited 01-04-2001).]
BCA, they look good to me! Sure wish I could hunt bobcats and bear w/ hounds around hear. I run coyotes and deer w/ mine. I am trying to buy a coondog but I haven't talked the wife into letting me turn loose 500 bucks for a dog!
Keep the stories coming!

Oh, Man........

I NEVER had the slightest inkling to hunt lions.....

.....until bcat started posting those damn pix months ago!

And now you're doing it, dammit!



VEGETARIAN: Indian word meaning 'Bad Hunter'

I am not just trying to sell you a hunt, but I highly reccomend every hunter to go on a lion hunt somtime in their career. It irks me to hear folks (especially hunters) to complain about using hounds for hunting the poor defenseless kitties. I assure you that hunting with hounds is one of the most vigorous and in my opinon sporting hunts you can go on. I guess part of the thrill is never really knowing how the chase will turn out. Some chases are easy, some are a death march (for the hunter that is) ha ha. I once started a young female lion at 11 AM.... at 11 PM we were still in the woods trying to get my dogs back in. During almost the entire chase the dogs were just a few hundred yards ahead of us baying the cat that never treed. Female lion are the worst for this, especially if they have cubs they are trying to protect. Amazingly toms usually are very quiet in the tree and will sedom bay up or jump a tree. There is nothing like walking up to a tree after a long chase to see what the hounds treed for you! If you do plan on going on a hound hunt, get yourself in good shape. I guide for most all species including elk, deer, bighorn sheep, etc., and usually cougar hunting is the hardest. Consider that lion season is in the middle of the winter when snow is sometimes waist deep. If you want to see the country rough side out, get behind a pack of lion or bear hounds! There is nothing like it.

I guess that is what really intrigues me: Getting to watch the dogs work.

I've only had waterfowl and upland dogs for most of my life, but to me there's absolutely NOTHING that compares to geting to see a dog do what its been bred to do.

friends of mine have hounds for rabbit and others have bear hounds..... and GOD! I love just hearing the dogs course the woods of their find!

Someday I will go on a lion hunt..... especially since it has my 4 1/2 yr. old son absolutely FASCINATED!!!! He's got a pix bcat posted taped to his wall and blabs about it damn near EVERY day! I guess I'll have to take him on a lion hunt!
BCA, someday I plan on takeing a lion hunt. Just can't get away right now but, someday!! I usually plan one trip out of state a year and next year we are already planning on WY deer. If something changes lion will be high on my list!

Bear Creek, great picture's.I love seeing dog's doing what they love to do.Your's look like they are having the time of there life.
I dought that i will ever get to hunt behind hound's but I love seeing all the picture's you and Bcat post.Keep them coming.

Bear Creek, Love seeing the dogs in the pics. Great story and nice kitty cat. Someday hope to chase a lion with hounds. Used to do some hound hunting for bear but the freaks passed an iniative and outlawed hounds a few years back. Glad to have you posting here, Welcome to the forum and look forward to swapping stories

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
Terry, Muledeer, Boomer,

Thanks for the kind words, the dogs really do love the hunt, probably even more than me! lol Anyway, if you guys ever decide to go on a lion hunt, look me up. I am sure B'cat would do you a good job as well.
Yooper that how i felt once too, until i met bcat. Lion hunting with dogs looks like a blast. my 10 year old daughter feels the same way your son does.

BCA-Nice lion pictures!!!! I hope youll post some more!!!! Yup thats what they should look like under the tree or in the tree!!! I have had a few tree climbing dogs in the past too! Keep the pictures and stories coming!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
A lion is on the top of my list too!What would it cost to go chase a cat through the woods? I would probably kill over before I reached the cat anyway!
Mr Concerned Hunter,

My cost for lion hunts is $200.00 per day and a $1,500.00 kill fee. You only pay the kill fee if you actually kill! Let me know if you are interested.

Bcat, Bear creek, is there an avarage time that it take's to get a cat. It seem's harder then to find say a deer or sure look's like fun but talk about kicking some butt.Im not sure I could keep up.


I recommend five days. I have had 100% success on five day hunts. If you decide to go, you do need to be in excellent shape. I use horses to get around if possible, but in many areas there is too much snow and the terrain too rough. These can be very demanding hunts.

Bear Creek,just from all the pictures and what little I know about it it does look demanding.It would be a blast to do but Im afraid im way down on the food chain when it come to having the money to do something like that.With both Steve and I loving to hunt i could just see the fight as to who would get to go.For right now we stick to stuff we can both do. LOL.But I love to see all the pictures and hear story's .I can alway's dream.

Kenetrek Boots

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