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Annual Texas hog hunt

We're not roughing it for sure.
Had a miss this morning so all have had chances so far. Heavy rain is limiting our access but pigs are active during the day some now.
I'll have to take some picks of a neighbors field we are hunting, rooted up pretty bad but not too deep, grubs are getting tasty is seems.
Night hunt is planned for Thursday, maybe tonight if rain holds off rest of the day.

It's evident you know what you're doing...
One lone pig in the field this morning and no shot at it.
Brisk 38 degrees with a NW wind might have had them piled up for warmth. Deer were moving but no pigs.
Driving to town for a sausage run.
We need at least one more good opportunity, the miss is not sitting well with our friend.
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Pigs will give anyone the the trigger yips....I've rushed more than a few shots.
Just had a fine meal of back straps and veggies. Good clean and lean pork.
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Sunrise on the last day . Just a little low level patchy fog in Oklahoma this morning, brisk north wind still but not too cold for hog activity we hope.
The Red River is in the background.
Just the one guy is without a hog so he is out with the spouse.
The friends pull out today for their flight back to Wyoming. We'll get an evening and 1 morning hunt to ourselves. We don't really need anymore meat to take home but won't pass up any opportunities.

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We had a tough hunt this year. Had a lessee that thought he was the "hog whisperer ". He was baiting and night hunting at least 3 times a week. Had the pigs on their toes so to speak. We had a good neighbor let us on his place and it paid off.
Had some interesting weather, rain for a night and day solid and cold temps in the mornings after the front.
Saw some nice sights and hope the weather doesn't pull a fast one down there and get the trees budding before winter is really over.
All in all a good trip, we went down somewhat light and came back with a full trailer of oak and pecan wood and a cooler full of meat.

The wind turbines are about 3 miles away as the crow flies, you can hear them at night.
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Called the turkeys up to the hog wire fence around the front yard. Had some quality talk time and learned a bit before they got spooked by a ranch truck.
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More pics from the hunt.
They had an older oak go over in the wet ground so we helped clear the bigger branches that were within reach. Left our saw with the 28" bar at home so we couldn't get to the trunk.
Took pics of a witness tree in the bottom that has some serious rot in one side now, afraid the hundreds of years old oak may have numbered days.

A well used trail with pig tracks from sounders with varying aged piglets.
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The witness tree. The spouse watched some wood ducks land in it and look for a cavity while hog hunting near it one morning. Closest water is about 250 yds away, a stock tank in the bottom.
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Witness trees are used as survey markers of type, they are witness to where a marker or boundary is. This tree and another on the place help mark an old ferry road and trail to the river. Lots of history in the area, fur trader posts and native american activities. It is a couple hundred years old.
There are also some marker trees on the property, trees bent down by native americans to mark trails.
The place is on Sadler's bend, just north of Muenster.

Hunted hogs near there a couple years ago. Can't remember the name of the ranch but it was owned by a well to do family who were the heirs of the gentleman that invented Shedds Spread (margarine).
Beautiful piece of property right along the Red River, and they put us up in a huge log cabin decorated with all kinds of taxidermy and Indian artifacts from the area.
very cool property. that ledge looks like it would work great as a driving range