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And Utah says, Hold my Beer!

I can't imagine the prices when my kids grow up.

This is my concern as well. We get them hooked into this lifestyle raising them. But unless they move west to change residency when they turn 18, they are not going to be able to afford to keep it up.

The other side of that coin is a most all moving west are already priced out of housing.
This is my concern as well. We get them hooked into this lifestyle raising them. But unless they move west to change residency when they turn 18, they are not going to be able to afford to keep it up.

The other side of that coin is a most all moving west are already priced out of housing.
I had previously told my sons not to buy points in UT. The apply for everything species idea kills draw odds. The new price proposal solidifies the idea.
I may be in the minority but as a Utah resident I don’t like gouging nonresidents. They shouldn’t be allowed to raise the price more than 10% at a time. I’d pay more as a resident.
Can someone who understands this better than me explain the actual status of the bill? Has it passed, or is it still in process? If passed, will these prices be in effect for 2026? I understand the hand-wringing, but I'd like to make my decision with facts.

Can someone who understands this better than me explain the actual status of the bill? Has it passed, or is it still in process? If passed, will these prices be in effect for 2026? I understand the hand-wringing, but I'd like to make my decision with facts.

It’s buried in the general appropriations bill (SB0008). Has been passed by both chambers and was sent to the governor yesterday. It’s awaiting his signature.

The comparative table the OP included is not in the bill. Just the new fee amounts.
It’s buried in the general appropriations bill (SB0008). Has been passed by both chambers and was sent to the governor yesterday. It’s awaiting his signature.

The comparative table the OP included is not in the bill. Just the new fee amounts.

Very helpful, thank you. So this goes into effect for 2026? And someone mentioned above that this allows them to raise the fees to those levels, but that they wouldn't necessarily be required to. Is there any chance they don't immediately raise them that high?

Very helpful, thank you. So this goes into effect for 2026? And someone mentioned above that this allows them to raise the fees to those levels, but that they wouldn't necessarily be required to. Is there any chance they don't immediately raise them that high?

Yes, it’s the budget for Jul 2025 - Jun 2026, so would be applicable to 2026 hunting season. I’m not sure whether these are set fees or not to exceed.
hopefully it doesnt pass,,a reasonable increase could be doable like inflation always rising,,but some of these new fee increases is just more than some can stomach,,will be keeping a eye on this one.
hopefully it doesnt pass,,a reasonable increase could be doable like inflation always rising,,but some of these new fee increases is just more than some can stomach,,will be keeping a eye on this one.
A little late for that. The governor is not going to veto the general appropriations bill.
They could probably double the fees again and double the number of NR tags from the current quota and still have a line for the next year. Lots of folks want to hunt and are willing to spend $$$ in it.
Update on the proposed fee increases:


At the risk of preaching to the choir, I’ll share some numbers from my elk hunt in a neighboring state last fall.

Elk tag: $774.18
Additional Expenses: $2,872.86
Total: $3,647.04

Where did that “additional expenses” money go? Into a state I’m a nonresident of - gas stations, restaurants, goods and services, etc. - directly impacting the local economy. Sure, the money I spent isn’t even a molecule of a drop in the bucket, but the compound effect of all nonresident hunters in the west is staggering. Giving nonresidents the shaft is going to screw lots of folks in a plethora of industries.

Dear Utah, and in quoting the great Michael Scott, “Of all the idiots, in all the idiot villages, of all the idiot worlds, you stand alone my friend.”
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With 12 points across the board and thousands invested, I’m out when this bill gets signed.

There’s a war on hunters by “hunters” all across the west. Influencers and game dept want to turn my lifestyle into a rich mans sport? Welp, better higher 100x more wardens with all that money then. Going to need a lot more enforcement the day I can’t legally hunt for meat every year, hopefully that’s never.

Go ahead, commence fanning of ruffled feathers “just buy lab meat at the store like the rest of the sheep”
"And Utah says, hold my beer uncaffeinated soda"

The draw odds and all the negative UT sentiment from this forum and other places kept me from ever playing the game there and I'm glad it did. I'm starting to wish I would have skipped out on playing in NV too but I guess I'll stick it out at least until i do a muley hunt there. NV Elk tag odds feel like sheep tag odds.
Update on the proposed fee increases:

View attachment 364765

At the risk of preaching to the choir, I’ll share some numbers from my elk hunt in a neighboring state last fall.

Elk tag: $774.18
Additional Expenses: $2,872.86
Total: $3,647.04

Where did that “additional expenses” money go? Into a state I’m a nonresident of - gas stations, restaurants, goods and services, etc. - directly impacting the local economy. Sure, the money I spent isn’t even a molecule of a drop in the bucket, but the compound effect of all nonresident hunters in the west is staggering. Giving nonresidents the shaft is going to screw lots of folks in a plethora of industries.

Dear Utah, and in quoting the great Michael Scott, “Of all the idiots, in all the idiot villages, of all the idiot worlds, you stand alone my friend.”
The way I read that, they aren't required to increase the fees. I'm sure they likely will, but maybe there's some hope that they hold off at least a couple of years.
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