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And they're off! Idaho tag rush Dec 2023

I had 6 elk zones (prioritized) on my list. When my number came up, one zone was left (My lowest 2 zones were tied on my priority list) I took it. If another state comes through for me, the tag goes back. If not, I will be hunting ID for elk in 2024.

Every possible purchasing method has loopholes.


In person- Individual residents are buying tags for upwards of 15-20 people.

Outfitters-Buying tags for NR's (In person) outside of their allotments (I assume so they have more clients each year)

In real time for online folks, you waiting room # is almost meaningless. EX If you have # 301 and the zone you want has 350 NR elk tags available. You better be ready to implement Plan x. The people waiting in line at F&G offices will have your zone sold out before your # comes up.

And if you think calling will get you a chance, think again. The same people helping in person buyers are the same ones answering the phones. (In person is prioritized over phone) So all those waiting at the counter need to be flushed before your call will be answered.

The system is a "pseudo draw" for online folks. (Only differences are in a real draw you don't know your # and if you do draw, you will know what you have to available to pick from)

The answer is NOT a draw or PP's. Enough states use those systems.

Close loopholes. Eliminate proxy purchases. Require anyone entering "waiting room" to have a hunt year license. (Similar to AZ) ID still gets money and you eliminate the casual shoppers and bots.
All for no PP, but I can't see how just turning it into a draw doesn't fix the problems you mentioned. I would say the loopholes exist because a certain group want them to exist.
RE: Draw. Not 100% wrong. But the issues I have with a draw are as follows.

Eliminates all in person purchasing (After listening to a recent commission meeting, I sense they are still trying to have an opportunity for residents to purchase for an NR (EX Dad in now lives in FL)

Even with system flaws, there have been some zones available post Dec 1 (EX Lolo)

The current system works to the extent it offers a chance for those who are targeting a specific zone or bust. (IE A True draw) And also accommodates those who will pick any available zone/unit, even if odds of hunting success may be low.

Selfishly, it provides a "different" excitement/expectation vs other draw states. (EX NM or Wyo) I know that day whether ID is in my future or not. vs other draw states (who keep my money for extended periods of time) before I know whether I might be hunting that particular state.
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All for no PP, but I can't see how just turning it into a draw doesn't fix the problems you mentioned. I would say the loopholes exist because a certain group want them to exist.
I feel like a draw would make the desirable units nearly impossible to draw, as it sits now everyone in the waiting room probably wants one of about 6 units, they just are willing to take something lower on the list, if 30K people apply for barely more than 1K tags the odds make drawing an AZ or UT tag in the random look decent-for an OTC hunt, I do agree that in person should be limited to one tag and you should have to log on before you get into the waiting room...
RE: Draw. Not 100% wrong. But the issues I have with a draw are as follows.

Eliminates all in person purchasing (After listening to a recent commission meeting, I sense they are still trying to have an opportunity for residents to purchase for an NR (EX Dad in now lives in FL)

Even with system flaws, there have been some zones available post Dec 1 (EX Lolo)

The current system works to the extent it offers a chance for those who are targeting a specific zone or bust. (IE A True draw) And also accommodates those who will pick any available zone/unit, even if odds of hunting success may be low.

Selfishly, it provides a "different" excitement/expectation vs other draw states. (EX NM or Wyo) I know that day whether ID is in my future or not. vs other draw states (who keep my money for extended periods of time) before I know whether I might be hunting that particular state.
The positives you argue do not negate the negatives. You could still do a draw on Dec 1 and leftover tags would still be leftover. The Idaho draw for these would look a lot like the NM draw. As it stands now, if you are targeting a top tag and have to buy online, your odds are terrible. That is why I made the point that people buying tags for multiple people in-person isn't a flaw of the system, it's a feature.
Close loopholes. Eliminate proxy purchases. Require anyone entering "waiting room" to have a hunt year license. (Similar to AZ) ID still gets money and you eliminate the casual shoppers and bots.
the only flaw is the outfitters will be the losers via the proxy purchases, which means it will not happen.
So sad…maybe if they have a quality service to provide clients will still come. Plus they still have there allocation which wasn’t touched the other day
The outfitter allocation, especially in some units makes me gag. I oppose any outfitter set-asides as a general philosophy, but can stomach maybe some small portion...but to see the demand for NR tags - and then see units where outfitters are being given more tags than is available in the entire NR pool?? Ridiculous. Doesn't effect me personally, but still makes me wish there was a successful path to getting some limits on outfitter allocations and put back to NR pool...where they can decide for themselves whether to hire a guide or go DIY.
The outfitter allocation, especially in some units makes me gag. I oppose any outfitter set-asides as a general philosophy, but can stomach maybe some small portion...but to see the demand for NR tags - and then see units where outfitters are being given more tags than is available in the entire NR pool?? Ridiculous. Doesn't effect me personally, but still makes me wish there was a successful path to getting some limits on outfitter allocations and put back to NR pool...where they can decide for themselves whether to hire a guide or go DIY.
It’s doubly sad when the outfitter allocation doesn’t get used and the tags go back into the pool later in the year for anyone to buy. Basically tells me the outfitters don’t need them and the demand isn’t there

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