Kenetrek Boots

An idea to make public lands more profitable

Slow growth inland fir and larch make stronger lumber that brings a premium for engineered products like trusses. Biggest problem Montana faces, is what to do with Ponderosa pine. Not much of a market for it. Other disadvantages are distances to mills like Gomer mentioned and distances to major markets.
If you can keep it from Cracking and warping in God only knows what directions. Yes wood that have 1/16" annual rings is strong. Uncontrollably strong. I've had logs on the bottom of a log home lift the whole building up over a 1 1/2" when she decided to warp. Great fun fixing that one.

We don't plant Doug Fir, we plant Ponderosa, the tree you said we don't know what to do with.
If... and a yuuuge IF, considering the extreme enviro fantatics, a Stewardship program was initiated, I believe the States would find an increase in employment opportunities, to include the timber industry, etc while maintaining the integrity of Federal land for American's public use.

The employment alone via Stewardship is a quality distinction between the anti and pro PLT factions. A means to diffuse the extremes on both ends and improve Montana and other State's economies.
If... and a yuuuge IF, considering the extreme enviro fantatics, a Stewardship program was initiated, I believe the States would find an increase in employment opportunities, to include the timber industry, etc while maintaining the integrity of Federal land for American's public use.

The employment alone via Stewardship is a quality distinction between the anti and pro PLT factions. A means to diffuse the extremes on both ends and improve Montana and other State's economies.
We are working on that as we speak, Charles. Good things are in the pipeline.
If you can keep it from Cracking and warping in God only knows what directions. Yes wood that have 1/16" annual rings is strong. Uncontrollably strong. I've had logs on the bottom of a log home lift the whole building up over a 1 1/2" when she decided to warp. Great fun fixing that one.

We don't plant Doug Fir, we plant Ponderosa, the tree you said we don't know what to do with.
End grain from one of my fir trees I sawed up. 11 years to grow 7/8 s of an inch. Makes great lumber.


I dont plant any trees, the fir regenerates on it's own, almost to the point of being a weed.


This patch was heavily thinned.

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