Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

American prairie. What's the issue?

@VikingsGuy I'm not sure how to react to that, because I feel like defending myself personally would just come off as arrogant. Your point is well taken, however.
On the internet probably hard to communicate the nuance, but in real life it was not intended at all as a "shot". Rather, offered as encouragement from a "seasoned" (as my team calls me instead of "old") advocate who learned hard lessons along the way, to a clearly bright and passionate advocate earlier in his career than I to keep seeing the "judo/zen/empathy" side of advocacy. Keep doing the good work, I and others are cheering you on from flatter ground.
The fastest way to end up like TX or UT will be death by a thousand "compromises": many bills and policies that do nothing for the public but continue to grant more power to those who already have it, under some false promise of "goodwill" in return. Those with power are never going to give it up, and giving them more with nothing in return, yet calling it a compromise, is no compromise at all.
Montana will not legislate themselves into TX. We will become TX by pushing opportunity until the last public land deer is gone.
I love on the Wasatch front.

As a kid, my nearest neighbor was 3/4 miles away. No stop light. Grocery was 3 towns away. I'm 48

Today my town has 30k people.

I like the idea of open range. I've read about the hunting aspect being shaky.

But I e read those things about Nature conservancy, and I've hunted waterfowl on nature conservancy ground for decades.

The controversy on AP, is confusing to us non locals
Big corporate elitists. The rules can change when ever the choose. The people on the board are the dck suckers from big corporations, the "beautiful" people. If youre a rancher, you sure has hell don't want their friggen buffalo with that one disease (bruselosis) and how they tear your barb wire fences down anywhere near your ranch. These people on the board know how to charm everybody. Say wahtever makes you believe then down the road quietly make steps to change the rules when it suits them. I strongly support the American Cowboy movement!!
How is a bid “inflated”? Barring some type of collusion it is simply market price. Someone else placing a higher value on land is not “inflating” - it is called free markets.
So, I'll bet you just love Walmart!! They destroyed the mom & pop stores. And what do we have now?? A bunch of chinese sht the fills up our landfills. Competition, hey! Maybe you should experience some of big corporate tactics yourself!!
Big corporate elitists. The rules can change when ever the choose. The people on the board are the dck suckers from big corporations, the "beautiful" people. If youre a rancher, you sure has hell don't want their friggen buffalo with that one disease (bruselosis) and how they tear your barb wire fences down anywhere near your ranch. These people on the board know how to charm everybody. Say wahtever makes you believe then down the road quietly make steps to change the rules when it suits them. I strongly support the American Cowboy movement!!
^^^ 🤡
Big corporate elitists. The rules can change when ever the choose. The people on the board are the dck suckers from big corporations, the "beautiful" people. If youre a rancher, you sure has hell don't want their friggen buffalo with that one disease (bruselosis) and how they tear your barb wire fences down anywhere near your ranch. These people on the board know how to charm everybody. Say wahtever makes you believe then down the road quietly make steps to change the rules when it suits them. I strongly support the American Cowboy movement!!

The brucellosis concern is real. The draconian measures that APHIS has on producers for transmission are often-times big enough to cause producers to consider just selling.

However, any bison that is translocated must pass muster by both the State Veterinarian and APHIS. That means no bison with brucellosis can be transferred. The protocol around Yellowstone for moving bison takes about 7-10 years, IIRC. Those animals are tested more than any other in the world for Brucellosis.

Here's current statute: a transfer,this section after the department
The brucellosis concern is real. The draconian measures that APHIS has on producers for transmission are often-times big enough to cause producers to consider just selling.

However, any bison that is translocated must pass muster by both the State Veterinarian and APHIS. That means no bison with brucellosis can be transferred. The protocol around Yellowstone for moving bison takes about 7-10 years, IIRC. Those animals are tested more than any other in the world for Brucellosis.

Here's current statute: Except for a transfer,this section after the department
So a program that allows public access for hunting on private property. Does anyone on this thread have experience hunting on AP lands? Do they have a quota, a sign in system ,etc? Thanks.
So a program that allows public access for hunting on private property. Does anyone on this thread have experience hunting on AP lands? Do they have a quota, a sign in system ,etc? Thanks.
Depends on what area you are hunting.
The brucellosis concern is real. The draconian measures that APHIS has on producers for transmission are often-times big enough to cause producers to consider just selling.

However, any bison that is translocated must pass muster by both the State Veterinarian and APHIS. That means no bison with brucellosis can be transferred. The protocol around Yellowstone for moving bison takes about 7-10 years, IIRC. Those animals are tested more than any other in the world for Brucellosis.

Here's current statute: Except for a transfer,this section after the department
how did the testing become so exhaustive? 🙂