American Prairie Reserve - Nothing new

OP is just a green decoy plant from AP whose purpose is to post incorrect info on hunting websites knowing that conservationist minded hunters will come to their defense and be inspired to donate.

This is next level conspiracy.

Well played AP. Well played.
All I did was give you the facts as I know them to be....with credible news sources no less. I stated that you can make up your own minds. I gave my opinion and I have not seen any cogent debate going on (AT ALL) to change that opinion. I never said that TNC was evil or anything like that. In fact they gave us land where the state‘s elk herd is located. That land became a WMA that has some excellent opportunity for draw hunts. And that was huge for elk hunting opportune here in NM. You people keep putting words in my mouth because you don’t like what I have to say....period.
I have not heard anything about what the State of Montana F&G is doing to open up private land or access to public lands for hunting. Some states have some excellent programs, South Dakota has some great programs. The walk-in areas have been a huge success. Here in New Mexico we have the E-plus program for elk. Those ranches in the program that have Unit wide LO tags are open to public hunting.
I have not heard anything about what the State of Montana F&G is doing to open up private land or access to public lands for hunting. Some states have some excellent programs, South Dakota has some great programs. The walk-in areas have been a huge success. Here in New Mexico we have the E-plus program for elk. Those ranches in the program that have Unit wide LO tags are open to public hunting.
You don’t seem to know much about Montana outside of the APR.
I have not heard anything about what the State of Montana F&G is doing to open up private land or access to public lands for hunting. Some states have some excellent programs, South Dakota has some great programs. The walk-in areas have been a huge success. Here in New Mexico we have the E-plus program for elk. Those ranches in the program that have Unit wide LO tags are open to public hunting.
I have not heard anything about what the State of Montana F&G is doing to open up private land or access to public lands for hunting. Some states have some excellent programs, South Dakota has some great programs. The walk-in areas have been a huge success. Here in New Mexico we have the E-plus program for elk. Those ranches in the program that have Unit wide LO tags are open to public hunting.
Well first off, it's the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks.

You know nothing about Montanas Block Management program?

That's curious since AP has lots of their land enrolled in same. Also since you claim to be such an AP and expert in the breaks I find it odd you wouldn't know that.

It's almost as if you should probably put that shovel down.
I have not heard anything about what the State of Montana F&G is doing to open up private land or access to public lands for hunting. Some states have some excellent programs, South Dakota has some great programs. The walk-in areas have been a huge success. Here in New Mexico we have the E-plus program for elk. Those ranches in the program that have Unit wide LO tags are open to public hunting.
Besides the Block Management Program, there's also
1. landowners,$3,000 tax credit per year)
and 2.

There's also the hotly debated 454 program which has (many) flaws but does put a handful of public hunters on private lands.

It really seems now that you're just not bothering to do any research at all. You started an argument about ferret biology with a former ferret biologist, who (wisely) opted not to take the bait.

Here is one more link for you:
Well first off, it's the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks.

You know nothing about Montanas Block Management program?

That's curious since AP has lots of their land enrolled in same. Also since you claim to be such an AP and expert in the breaks I find it odd you wouldn't know that.

It's almost as if you should probably put that shovel down.
Never claimed to be an expert on anything. I was a founding member of Walleye’s Unlimited and was asked to help start a chapter in SD because of my experience with starting chapters of various conservation organizations. And i will not divulge anything more than that.
Besides the Block Management Program, there's also
1. program allows private landowners,$3,000 tax credit per year)
and 2.

There's also the hotly debated 454 program which has (many) flaws but does put a handful of public hunters on private lands.

It really seems now that you're just not bothering to do any research at all. You started an argument about ferret biology with a former ferret biologist, who (wisely) opted not to take the bait.

Here is one more link for you:
Your an expert on everything.
Never claimed to be an expert on anything. I was a founding member of Walleye’s Unlimited and was asked to help start a chapter in SD because of my experience with starting chapters of various conservation organizations. And i will not divulge anything more than that.
That clearly qualifies you as an expert on ferret's, access programs, and AP...

Don't stop now, you're doing great!
I have not heard anything about what the State of Montana F&G is doing to open up private land or access to public lands for hunting. Some states have some excellent programs, South Dakota has some great programs. The walk-in areas have been a huge success. Here in New Mexico we have the E-plus program for elk. Those ranches in the program that have Unit wide LO tags are open to public hunting.
So wait…you know nothing about access issues and programs in Montana (including the hunting access program that APR makes extensive use of), and yet you argue with folks here who are exceptionally well-versed in access issues and programs on public and private land in Montana?

That’s a bold strategy, Cotton.
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