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Almost Go Time - Still Not Ready

I just got back from my sheep hunt in Alaska, I’m fortunate to have killed a ram and am very thankful of that but when we checked in my ram it was the 41st ram to get checked in and she said that they were only at 40 percent of the checked in rams they usually would be at. So they normally would have already had 100-110 rams checked in.
Went and it was a great learning experience. Saw rams, nothing legal, made a couple bad choices that changed my hunt but overall a good first solo experience staying out for a week by myself.
Also if you are riding a wheeler into access your hunt spot, don't trust the guy you bought your used wheeler from to have used proper wires - cause that is how you almost burn your machine to the ground FYI.
I just canceled my sheep hunt. Intel on sheep numbers is worse than abysmal. Going to give them a rest for a while, I can't in good conscience go kill one, knowing every one counts right now. I was hopeful, last year numbers looked good. This last winter was a killer, deep snow and a late spring. There was still feet of snow on the gound in late May in much of the state. The DCUA has half the sheep of normal, basically no lambs. Id expect big cuts in tags next year. Tok is toast. Sheep hunting the entire alaska range, east to west, is done for at least 5-10 years, hope we get a few easy winters.
Good on you Bambistew. I can only guess how much that annual trip means to you but Kudos for doing your part.
It's tragic Dall numbers seem to now be in rapid decline, given they are the bright spot for wild sheep populations. Hopefully that turns around and you are able to be back out doing what you love.

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