
Alert! Az Hunters! Alert!


New member
Jan 22, 2003
I have contacted Len Munsils campaign, and they are very interested in hearing from all hunters,fishermen,outdoorsmen about the new order to print Game and Fish regulations in Spanish.... :BLEEP:

They want to hear the "outrage" from outdoorsmen who are against this practice..[possible comercial]....please take the time to spread this message to everyone you can [other sites,friend etc.].....even if Len loses this election it is very important to send the message..... NO REGS IN SPANISH!. hump

Here is the e`mail, please forword...Thanks

[email protected]
they still printing them in english also?
or do i now have to learn spanish?
i heading to Quebec in the morning for whitetail, did you know they were nice enough to print in both french and english for me. i hope the locals aint too pissed about it.

i'll check the border also while im there,......let one of those lil french canadian bastards even think about crossing, i'll hang a boot in their ass quick!
JB said:
they still printing them in english also?
or do i now have to learn spanish?
i heading to Quebec in the morning for whitetail, did you know they were nice enough to print in both french and english for me. i hope the locals aint too pissed about it.

i'll check the border also while im there,......let one of those lil french canadian bastards even think about crossing, i'll hang a boot in their ass quick!

JB are you getting your tags in Canada at the same price as Canadian citizens?
JB... illegals get "Resident" prices for their tags and licences|oo

printing regulations and "how to apply" information[ on a massive scale] in Spanish "enables" them to further cheat the system. [in AZ]|oo

I don`t have a problem with anyone from a foriegn country getting information in "any" language as long as they apply as a NON-RESIDENT and follow the law.:)

Most out of state people just cannot grasp the huge amount of "fraud" that goes on in AZ..with illegals and their organizations:BLEEP:
We have 500,000. illegals in AZ.. do the math.hump

Yes the enemies of America are just dancing right across the southern border and sucking up entitlements like vacuum cleaners at the expense of the tax payers and their retirement accounts, and then they steal, rob, rape and kill more Americans every year then the total number those who were murdered in 9/11. They are re-conquistadors sacking and plundering our country and the weapon used is multiculturalism, the racism world and liberalism run amok.
I don`t have a problem with anyone from a foriegn country getting information in "any" language as long as they apply as a NON-RESIDENT and follow the law.

CJCJ, I know there are alot of ILLEGALS down there. but put that aside for a Min. If AZ had NO illegals, but a SPANISH section of Legal Imagrants that didn't speak or read English well, Would you still be a crybaby about it ?

I guess if someone that doesn't speak english wants to read the regs and do hunting Legal, I personally have no problems.

Jsut becasue someone doesn't speak english doesn't mean they are illegal.
A Crybaby?!
Moosie, come on down for a bit and see what the wets have done to this state, plus our gooberner is trying to give them drivers license. Plus, the 9th district court just overruled a law voted in that makes it illegal for ID's to be checked when voting, so now they can vote their own into office.
I'd like to see proof that an illegal alien has obtained a hunting license through the big-game draw in Arizona.

Until I see proof, I'm going to assume its cjcj's paranoia.

If I dont see proof, I dont believe it.
Moosie you need to remove the "race card chip" from your brain.:)
Moosie if someone wants to request some regs in spanish/russian/chinese then let them pay for it, not state taxpayers:)

Buzz, most likely anything I say to you wouldn`t prove in your mind that what i say is true , so if you can`t at least apply common sense and mathmatics/logic [i won`t waste my time]hump

Buzz , i thought you at least knew the basics of the illegal problem, put down the bong ,for a day or two. Buzz remenber the thread by Mr. Ordway [Chief of law enforcment AZ G&F]|oo |oo

I`ll try to make this easy for everyone..

#1 illegal immigrants are currently getting "instate resident" prices for all
Arizona Government services,,,, ranging from education to Az hunting/fishing licences and tags!... This is "LEGAL" for them under current law [as per judicial revue] Still with me BUZZ?

#2 under the "current situation" they illegal immigrants "ARE NOT" violating the residency requirment for the cheapest tags/licences

#3 the reason for this is that "bona fide resident" only requires them to have lived/worked etc. in the state of AZ for 6 months ...still following Buzz?

#4 despite being in the state/country "illegaly" these illegals "are NOT
' breaking the law as per G&F applications, concerning the cheaper licence/tag fee`s.

#5 as is with "all" other state forms/application....the state "will not" ask Immigration status.

#6 the game and fish does have a box that you check on Big Game apps... {non- citizen].. but that does not preclude or prevent a Resident licence /tag! still with me?

Now the Problem "IS" with our Current Governor and Attorney General... both "LIBERAL" democrats who have gutted and refused to "FULLY IMPLEMENT" prop 200,,, an inititive passed overwhelmingly by the voters... which was written to "DENY" "ALL" state benefits to illegal immigrants.

Spending state money to print G&F regs in spanish only ENABLES illegals [ who can`t speak english] to further gain access to our tags/licences.[ just common sense]hump

Thats why I am trying to help Len Munsel at least EXPOSE our LESBO WHORE of a governor wherever/whenever I can....Please ALL Hunters help expose the lying SLUT! thank you for your consideration.... And Vote Len Munsil.
Why should the State of AZ print the regs in English? Why do you want English speaking illegal immigrants to have all your big game tags?
CJCJ, Notice this Quote :

If AZ had NO illegals,

To me, thats puting a Race card Aside. I mention nothing about you being a Racist in my post. I'm over that, we all know you are and we're moving on :D

You said :

G&F regs in spanish only ENABLES illegals [ who can`t speak english]

I'm just letting you know some People are here legally that don't speak English. Is that or Isn't that a True statement ?
Moosie said:
CJCJ, Notice this Quote :

To me, thats puting a Race card Aside. I mention nothing about you being a Racist in my post. I'm over that,

I'm just letting you know some People are here legally that don't speak English. Is that or Isn't that a True statement ?
...Yes Moosie that is a true statement.

But I think everyone should ponder these questions... Why are there Millions of people in this country who cannot speak english? Why are there Millions of people in this country who can only speak Spanish? or some other language?....Why under our liberal Governors "diversity program" does the AZ game and Fish feel the need to print hunting/fishing regs [in Spanish] on a "MASSIVE" scale?..

If you answer the above questions truthfully you will have the "proof" that Buzz can`t see......But the fact is This country has bent over for illegal immigration and adjusted to the illegals and their culture at the expense of ours...We certainly don`t need any more competition for our limited resources... education/healthcare/etc,etc and yes hunting/fishing opportunities.
cjcj said:
But I think everyone should ponder these questions... Why are there Millions of people in this country who cannot speak english? Why are there Millions of people in this country who can only speak Spanish? or some other language?....Why under our liberal Governors "diversity program" does the AZ game and Fish feel the need to print hunting/fishing regs [in Spanish] on a "MASSIVE" scale?..

Why can't you even write English? That is funnier than hell that you are worried about people speaking a language you can't even write.

Doesnt prove to me that an illegal has obtained a single RESIDENT tag.

I need proof, certainly if illegals were drawing even 1% of the elk, deer, sheep, antelope tags...concerned citizens like yourself would be able and only too willing to post it.

Seems you cant do that...I wonder why? Perhaps a greatly over-exaggerated and maybe even imaginary "problem"???
Buzz, It doesn't matter. If it hasn't happened, we still need to send all illegals back to wherever they came from so the citizens of this country will no longer have to pay for their education, health care, etc, etc, etc. And I don't think it would be too much to ask for the state of Arizona to require a person be a citizen of this country in order to purchase a resident hunting license and tag. Why do you have a problem with that? Would you see that as discrimination? (as I'm sure Moosie would)
I guess I see the problem a little differently. I think it sucks that an illegal alien can get a resident permit/license for anything (they're not a resident IMO). That being said, I really have trouble believing that there are that many illegals coming to America for the hunting opportunities!!!

My problem with printing the regs in Spanish has to do solely with the cost. We are supposed to be an equal opportunity country. So what happens when a Russian, Swede, German, Iraqi, etc. want the regs in their language? If we are all about equlity, won't we have to print the regs in every language??? It just seems that by capitulating to one group of people, it sets a bad precedent.
Jose... No time for ass-clowns today... F.OFF:D

Buzz i guess you just can`t "get it" G & F will not ask "Immigration status" just resident/non-resident... I don`t need to prove anything to youhump ... As G& F can`t/won`t keep statistics on this issue...Believe what you want I really don`t care:)

Washington Hunter is spot on with the problem!hump

Guppie I agree with you ... but the problem is the State of AZ [other states too] see bona-fide resident [6 month rule] as a "separate" issue than ... being in the state/country illegally|oo

Illegals do not come here for "hunting opportunities" or NASCAR, Disneyland, or to go to an AZ Cardinals football game... but they end up doing all of them...the more you help them the more they do..... printing G&F regs in Spanish is the Chief Enabling system to tell/help illegals to hunt/fish its a no-brainer:BLEEP:

Just tell me how many illegals in the state of Arizona draw big-game tags. Tell me how many buy resident fishing licenses.

Should be pretty simple to do if there really is a problem.

I've already conceded the fact that illegal immigration is a problem...I just dont believe that illegals are drawing 20 tags for elk in unit 6a or 50 whitetail tags in 37b.

Show me some proof, then I may buy your argument...because frankly, I dont believe its an issue.
Buzz, I think what CJCJ is trying to say (but correct me if I am wrong) is that there really is no way to prove it. AZGF doesn't ask about immigration status on applications so there is no way to actually prove it with hard numbers. I think it is his perception. I guess you guys can argue if it really is a problem all day long, but in the end, there really is no way to prove/disprove it.

Personally, I agree with a lot of what CJCJ says about illegals in Arizona, but, I too, have a hard time believing that this is a major problem.

All that aside, I don't agree with printing the regs in Spanish for the reasons I listed in my previous post.
Moosie said:
CJCJ, Notice this Quote :

I'm just letting you know some People are here legally that don't speak English. Is that or Isn't that a True statement ?

I thought that in order to become a legal citizen of the united states you had to have a basic knowledge of the English language? am i wrong or was that what they were proposing?
guppie9 said:
My problem with printing the regs in Spanish has to do solely with the cost. We are supposed to be an equal opportunity country. So what happens when a Russian, Swede, German, Iraqi, etc. want the regs in their language? If we are all about equlity, won't we have to print the regs in every language??? It just seems that by capitulating to one group of people, it sets a bad precedent.
You hit the nail on the head with that one. It is discrimination if they print it it any language other than English if they don't offer it in every language of everyone that buys a hunt permit in AZ
schmalts said:
I thought that in order to become a legal citizen of the united states you had to have a basic knowledge of the English language? am i wrong or was that what they were proposing?
It is true that you need to have a basic knowledge of English to become a citizen. However, many people are here legally that are not citizens. To be here legally (work visa, student visa, resident alien, etc.) you do not need to speak English.
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