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Africa Plane tickets...

I personally hate the Delta ATL-JBG flight!!! It sucks compared to the previous SAA flight but it is the one I "must" take! If you are making connections, it is really bad since it arrives late in afternoon, misses most other African Countries flights, misses many within SA flights after wait on SAPS to "clear" and permit your firearms and you must change airlines thus giving Delta an excuse if your baggae is missing!!
Moosie, have never been to afreeca, and have no interest in going. but if you want information on it, talk to TIT(tom in tennessee) been there enough to have his own herd of ho's over there. the fact that he's a sawry azz mofo is irrelevant.:eek: :D :D

the fact that his house looks like an afreecan musuem means nothing also.
Hi TLC...hope you are snowed in!
I have never tried them but there are at least a couple of "discount" air fare firms that advertise with SCI (doesn't mean they are "endorsed). The couple I found with a quick look are Destinations Travel 1-866-672-6415 , Tatum International 1-800-628-5722, and Custom Travel 1-800-728-5301

Maybe they can help.
hey TIT. good to see you on a site that actually works like its supposed to. not snowed in yet, but they are talking about another 3-4 inches tonight. is it time for that hawg hunt yet?

you gonna tell them your dikdik story?:D
Ok this back to the top.
So I called a travel agent. One who specializes in US to africa for hunters. Got a good flight and price qoute of 2357. per ticket from Missoula to Johannesburg. Three of us going, me wife daughter. So I start playing around on line.( at 8pm) By 2 am ( I know sleep is overrated). Here is what I came up with for prices. Same exact flights (NUmbers and times are identical)

Travelocity 2142 per ticket taxes and fees included

Vayama 2041 perticket taxes and fees included

Ultimate 1906.67 per ticket taxes and fees included

I found a better price on united but it is 34 hours instead of 26 hours and it is 1840 per ticket.

Now I tried to book the 1906.67 tickets and got the run around and error messages on the site. SO I called this morning. After finally getting someone I could understand they said the best price they had was 2100. I asked what happened to the 1906. She didn;t know. So I log back on to their site and the same 1906 price comes back up but it won;t let me purchase( asshooooolas). I would rather book through the agent but 1200 bucks is 1200 bucks. Would it be rude if I call the travel agent and ask why the difference in price???? I know they need to make a living but so do I.

I have a friend goin with us and he is flying business class. The travel agent beat the internet prices on that ticket by a couple thousand bucks. SO he will probably book his ticket with her.
Call another travel agent and get a quote.

Both travel agents I've used have been at slighly below prices I could find on the net. That has been for African travel, South America, and Europe...

one thing to consider about the 'bargain' ticket companies, is you'll likely get the back of the bus or seats next to the crapper unless you can pick your seats. Its a long azz flight and being uncomfortable will make it misserable.
Well here is an update. I called Gracy travel shortly after I posted and have yet to hear back from them.

I spent more time on the travel sites on the net and the best ones I can pick seats all the way through and back. I have a feeling that 18 hours in a plane I am going to be uncomfortable even if I was sitting On the crapper the whole trip:D.

Any other suggestions on travel agents. The other one I talked to was Custom from Wisconsin. Very nice lady but I can;t get over the sticker shock.

anyone want another option about travel pm me and i will see if my site is as cheep or close to it. It usually is as cheap as the others if not its a little bit more but you would be helping out a fellow hunter and disabled veteran, can also do sports tickets concert tickets cruises like i said any kind of travel just message me
idhuntingfool....what can you get me to Joburg from Chatta for on June28 this year? Return on July18 or so...doesn't matter a couple of days either way. Couldn't get on your site and I am pizzed at Delta!
Tom, I'm flying Delta as well. I think the reason they land so late is because its difficult to get connections from the west coast to Atlanta and still make it to JB at a reasonable time. We aren't connecting so its not an issue, but I can see where it would be. My folks are flying from MT and will get to Atlanta about 2 hours before the flight departs. The get on a plane in MT about 6am... So its either stay over night in Atlanta or fly Delta.
We have the 6 am flight in Missoula. have a two hour lay over in atlanta and then hit Jo berg at 430 their time the next day. When I talked to Gracy travel they said the 2 hours in atlanta wouldn;t be enough for transfering guns (??) Custon travel who also specializes in africa travel said it was no problem. Any thoughts?
Our layover in ATL was about 2 hours, no more than that. Our guns made the transfer just fine. Once they are tagged and checked by the ATF I don't think you really have an issue with them. Transferring once you get to Joberg would be a bigger issue as they must be cleared by the SAP.
Well we had about 1.5-2 hours coming back, no problem.

I think it depends on when you arrive at ATL. The fllight from Joberg rolled into ATL at like 6:30 am, something like that. There were customs guys sitting around waiting for something to do, we cleared customs in less than 15 minutes.

I suspect if it was noon or some other busy time it would have taken longer.
You done be lucky! I have never cleared
ATL in less than 1.5 hours, coming back!
Joburg has the highest rate of lost baggage in the World!!!

Beginners luck, I'm sure. Believe me we were sweating the luggage thing both ways, again, beginners luck.

Funny story that might have turned out bad-we showed up at JoBerg, permits waiting, all luggage arrives, no problem. Get through the SAP station with our clearance and we end up waiting there for some other hunters. Take off to the vehicle and about 45 minutes later we are at the lodge, AND MY SUITCASE WAS GONE! WTF it was there....now I'm thinking it blew out on the freeway between Joberg and Pretoria. I am freaking and the PH says, some of our other PH's are still at the SAP station in the airport waiting for a late flight, lets call.

I had left my suitcase in the station. Got done checking the guns, and between being tired from the flight and being "buzzed" about S. Africa I walked off without it. Fortunately they had not confiscated it and the other PH's picked it up and brought it.

A guys got to pay attention.
I checked with one of the services that clears your firearm pre-arrival in Joburg to see if that would help in letting me catch my next flight within South Africa. I have exactualy two hours. They advised "probably won't make it. Line for Customs clearance (not firearrms) took almost two hours" .... day before yesterday!
Understand what you "Western" folks are saying. Flew the old mid morning SAA flight with lots of hunters who had slept on the floor all night waiting for connection to South Africa.
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