PEAX Equipment

Advice on scope mount.


Active member
Feb 3, 2017
North Central Montana
Bought a new rifle, scope and mount at a retailer. Had them mount and bore sight it. Got it home and was wiping it down to put away when I noticed that there was a metal burr or something on one of the scope mounts. The rear one doesn't have it so I'm sure its a defect? Could this have happened when they were mounting the scope? Should I be a pain and take it back and have them replace and re-mount? I put a couple rounds down the tube and have it on paper-now I get to start over. I think I will dial it back to factory zero first.
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A little hard to tell but it looks like the bit slipped and gouged it up when they were tightening it. Depending on their customer service they may not replace it. Their argument would be they have no idea what you did once you left the store. I wouldn't be overly happy about it but it may only be cosmetic and have no effect on the scope. You could take a fine stone or file to it and knock the edge off, then hit it with something to blacken it.
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I would take it back...chances are they own up to doing it...

Also, mounting rings and scopes is easier than you think...glad I took the time and paid the screw up tuition to DIY.
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I agree with the two posts above. Looks cosmetic, probably when they installed it. How big a stink you make is up to you.
I would take it back...chances are they own up to doing it...

Also, mounting rings and scopes is easier than you think...glad I took the time and paid the screw up tuition to DIY.

Yup. On both counts. A Wheeler Fat wrench is $50. Mount everything and know it's right.

I have since bought the tools to lap my rings. They move between rifles with almost no marks on the tube.
That looks like a pretty big ding for just having the bit or wrench slip. I think I have about 100.00 invested in scope mounting products between the bore sighter, levels, torque wrench etc. Well worth the investment. FWIW, Ive never had to lap a set of quality rings.
I was taught that lapping the rings is more about compensating for variations in the receiver than problems with the rings themselves.
Like some others have said, you may want to invest in a scope mounting kit if you plan on mounting scopes in the future. I bought one (Wheeler) a few years back and I've used it several times. The torque wrench is very handy. If you have to pull the barrel out of the stock you can re-tighten it to factory specs along with using to tighten scope mounts etc... I like the idea of knowing my scopes are tightened per correct specs an not over/ under tightened. As for your current situation- I'd take it back and explain the situation and see if they offer to make it right. Probably just cosmetic but shouldn't be there.
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Having spent several years working behind a gun counter, I can say that stuff happens. I'd say to take it back. That to me looks like a pretty serious ding to have been made by mounting the optic. i'd think it may more likely be manufacturer issue with the ring. I'd swap it out just to be sure. Realistically, if they are not special order rings, they should be able to just swap out that individual ring top without drastically changing zero. If they put a boresighter on it before they remove the ring, they should be able to re-zero the scope to the same spot after swapping out that ring. It may not be an exact same zero point, but you should still be on paper at 100yds....

Also, like several others have mentioned, it's probably worth having the equipment to mount your own optics. When I worked at Bob Wards, I can tell you that our hunting department employees received no instruction on how to mount a scope properly, it was just assumed that we could follow the directions for the particular mounts and figure it out. All gun shops are not created equal, just be discerning about who mounts the scope, I'd hate to have something go wrong with a big bull in the crosshairs...
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