Caribou Gear

Advice Needed

In my opinion of a married man of 35 years here is where I see the problem.

It’s the Suburu. I don’t allow any Suburu to be parked in my driveway. I have no friends that own one. Sorry.
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So much to catch up on here. I have always been the one to select her new cars. Sometimes she likes them sometimes not. The last one was her 2005 Explorer that she loved but wore out. Everything she has had went 200k or very close. In the sense of fairness and the fact that I didn't want to get something she may not like, I asked her to do all the research, test drives and whatever to find something new. Based on our requirements, cost factor being one of them, the Outback was a clear winner. It is a nice car.
Bells and whistles, yep it's got a bunch of them. I don't think they work when covered in dust. This is the time of year we are covered in moon dust that will penetrate glass.
As far as what is parked in the yard, I feel the same about Dodge. Don't drag one of those around here.
Yes she tolerates me. Barely. I would have shit canned me years ago.
We were laughing about it last night when she mentioned the last time she backed into something in the yard. It was my D7 Cat. She backed square into the tracks. She was having a "discussion" with our daughter who was probably 8 at the time. When she got home my son had placed cones and warning tape around it. That was around 30 years ago.
After 50 years of being married, she can do whatever she pleases. If not for her I'm pretty sure I would not be where I am now. Life is good except for the dent in my truck.

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