PEAX Equipment

"A" Zone opener

Keith blew it big time!!!!!! A guy called me Thursday and said some big bucks were eating his wine grapes. He wanted to know if I would come out there and hunt them. Well, you know my answer. The rest is history! :D :D
keith how could ya do it.chopper if these guys dont help you out let me know and ill get over there to do it for you,i think i owe you one or two beers anyway so ill try to remember to get them. :rolleyes:
OK Details,Chopper. Was it that big one that got over the EDGE. On your ranch or your buddy's. Or did your son connect? Come on man DETAILS!!!!!!!!!!!
No, not the big one but a nice one! Went to my buddy's ranch last Wed. and only saw about 30 does and 1 small buck. Went to my place Thur. and he took a nice 18 inch 4 x 3. I'm still looking for the big one.
1 fork Friday and a 3 x 2 on Saturday.
went out to Boonville last weekend with my two boys(9&4)--saw one little forky and couldn't bring myself to shoot 'im, but I did get a boar--out this weekend with the boys and a friend's son(15) and going to try and bag one and hopefully two---chris
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