A wonderful day hunting whitetails....and a gnarly old buck


Aug 1, 2014
Hey guys. So after missing the opening weekend of deer hunting because of a family event, I finally got to make it out for a day of hunting. This was a new property I was hunting, I had only stepped foot on it for 30 minutes just getting the lay of the land. After looking a pics on google earth I was pretty sure I knew a few high percentage spots to intercept searching bucks...without being in the bedding area and spooking deer. This property is around 200 acres (120 acres of surrounding crops: corn and soy beans, and 80 acres of strung out swampy hard woods and a small pond in the middle). Most of the trees have weeds and grass cover that can almost cover your head. Ideal deer habitat. I didn't want to spend time putting up a stand or blinds as I wasn't too sure about deer movement. Another plus....was there was unpicked corn on the neighboring property to the west of me.

Shooting light found me nestled in some cover in the corner of a smaller crop field along where the trees pinch down to a narrow corridor bordering the pond. I ended up seeing around 10 deer move through that morning but no bucks I wanted to shoot. I did see something very funny....that actually made me laugh out loud. A small buck came through chasing a doe...and she had apparently had enough of him. She stopped on a dime from a decent paced trot, wheeled around, and smacked that young buck across the nose with her front hoof. I could hear it from across the field! He turned and headed the other way in a heck of a hurry. Im pretty sure she got her point across. hahaha. I took this a a sign that there were plenty of bigger bucks on the property.

After movement slowed a little it had got to be around 9 am. I walked around to a higher ridge of a picked corn field on the west side. I could see a nice bottom with 2 different tree rows feeding into it. I had that un picked corn I mentioned before directly behind me. I no more then set up and a tempting 3 year old crossed from out of the standing corn to one of the tree rows i mentioned. I debated back and forth....and by the time I decided he was probably in my league....he made my decision easy and left without giving me another shot opportunity. I saw nearly 10 more bucks and many more does from that vantage point over the course of the afternoon. 2 that I wanted to shoot but were either too far or didn't give me a chance. I was just happy to be seeing so many deer. The age classes were all represented. I was seeing everything from young bucks to up and comers....to some shooters. It was also 65 degrees. I had worried I wouldn't have seen much after the cool morning gave way to unseasonably warm temps. It had been a great day on a new place that I didn't have any experience.

Just after sunset...and about 20 minutes until legal light slipped away...I saw an old deer crossing from my right to left. I got up my binios and could see he had a long beam with 3 points on the antler I could see. He was definitely unique and mature. Problem was he was 350+ yards. I am not all that comfortable with that range with my .308 that I just got this year. I grunted a couple of times and he looked my way...but continued to walk. I texted my friend about the cool buck I had seen....joking I had just seen "Big Hank"...in reference to Randy calling a couple big animals he had seen by that name. haha. To my surprise I began seeing a rack start to crest a crop terrace about 275 yards out. He had turned around and headed my way...or doubled back a little closer at least. I know 275 isn't much closer then 350 but for some reason I felt more comfortable at this range. I got steady and touched a shot. I head a very loud report SCCCHHHHMACKKKK! I racked my action loading another round and looked through the scope again. He had dropped in his tracks. I was shooting the same 178 grain ELD-X that I took elk hunting(over kill LOL). I bought a box of 150 gr whitetail but hadn't had time to shoot any rounds before my hunt so just took what i knew worked. Sure did the job.

I got up to the buck and he was wayyy bigger then a 3x3 that I had thought he was from the first glimpse I got of him. He has a very unique non typical rack. 7 scorable on the right and 4 on the left. The biologist estimated him at 6.5 years old when I checked him in (and man did he smell the part of an old buck). I was very very happy to take him but the only problem is that I was hunting alone and never did get very good pics. I only have these:

One of the things that make my threads (at least I think so) interesting are the photos....and sadly I don't feel I delivered this time. By the time I got home my wife was not feeling well and our young daughter was in bed so I didn't end up taking any better photos. I had today slotted off of work for more hunting but since I am tagged out I plan on making a couple Euro mounts. I will post a pic of the finished mount to at least do the deer justice. I am taking a friend out there this weekend so maybe I can get a few scenery pics to update the story. I feel very blessed to get my first elk and my first Non-typical buck this season. Neither were giants or will win any awards....but will always be remembered! Thanks for listening and good luck to everyone still out hunting! Be safe!
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That's a cool looking old buck ! Congrats ! I like to see the non typical type of animals and the uniqueness of there antlers
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Congratulations on a nice buck! Thanks for sharing too. But, I love to read hunt write-ups, but PLEASE, hit the return button once in a while. Paragraphs make for soooo much easier reading. :)
Congratulations on a nice buck! Thanks for sharing too. But, I love to read hunt write-ups, but PLEASE, hit the return button once in a while. Paragraphs make for soooo much easier reading. :)

Very nice suggestion! My english teacher said the same thing! :) Done.
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Very cool buck.
I take it we are talking Lincoln,Nebraska? Not Lincoln Montana.Corn stalks kinda gives it away.